chapter 6

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Jenna's threat seemed harmless. What was she going to do? Put mayonnaise in your donut? You were pretty sure she wasn't even going to do anything since it's been a couple days with no incidents.

Tomorrow was a day off for you though. You finally had time to go get your phone fixed since it still wouldn't turn on. It was a whole day away from Jenna. You two haven't even talked much besides when you were acting. Other than that it was quiet between the two of you.

You got into bed all comfy. The blankets hugging your body, keeping you warm. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. Your brain took you to many different places with random storylines you would forget when you awoke.

In your dream, a person you were talking to wouldn't stop opening their mouth and making a beeping sound each time. You shot out of bed and started getting ready without realizing what you were doing for you were still half asleep. Another loud beeping noise joined in with the first, fully waking you up.

You blinked a couple of times and searched for your phone. You found it, but the screen was black. It then finally registered that your phone wasn't even working. The noises didn't stop, confusing you on where they were coming from.

You turned on the bedroom light in search for the annoying sleep disrupters. One was inside the nightstand and the other was on the dresser behind the vase. The time showed it was three in the morning. You turned them both off and took a deep breath. You were not going to let this get to you and give Jenna the satisfaction.

You got back into bed and squeezed the fluffy pillow. The blankets gave you warmth again while the blinds still blocked out all the outside lights. You were about to drift off to sleep again when multiple alarms went off. The pillow you were holding instantly got pulled over your head trying to block out the noise. The sound was overbearing as they all kept yelling at you to get up.

You grunted getting out of bed to turn the lights back on. You couldn't even follow the sound to find them for there were too many. You just had to go around and move things to collect them all. Finally, ten more later, the noises stopped. No more beeping at an annoying time of the day.

You held all of them in your arms and took off for Jenna's apartment. With no hand availability, you kicked on the door making sure to wake her up. The door swung open to reveal Jenna in only shorts and a bra. She didn't look the least bit tired or aggravated that you had woke her up. In fact, she looked as if she was expecting this.

Without a word you dropped all of the alarms at her feet. The tiny black pieces bounced around on the floor of the hallway and the inside of her room. Jenna looked down at the mess then right back at you. You turned around with your messy bed head and walked straight back to your apartment. You could hear her laughing so you flipped her off without looking back.

For the third time this night, you got back in bed. You let out a huff patting down the sheets as you happily got to enjoy your sleep this time. You dropped back letting your head hit the soft pillow and closed your eyes. Dreams danced around in your brain once again. You were out until another alarm woke you up.

You let out a scream to go find this stupid thing that you've had enough of. It was underneath your bed tapped to the frame. You pulled it out and turned it off. You grabbed a shoe and stomped over and over until it broke into hundreds of tiny pieces.

You pushed the hair out of your face and grabbed your pillow. The couch seemed like a better option at this point then taking another risk of the bedroom having another alarm.

In the morning, your phone was your first priority. You wore a black hoodie and shades to hide your sleepy bags. You had no energy to deal with your hair so having the hood pulled up felt like a good way of going. People looked at you weird, afraid you were going to rob the store.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now