chapter 31

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Olive went with you to your dress fitting for Don't Scream. You were giggly all day, which made her giddy in return. She liked to see you in happy moods.

One of the costume designers were pinning an outfit that you had on to make adjustments to the size. You stood still on a stand as Olive sat criss crossed in a chair across from you.

"So, spill. You're all happy and laughing a lot. Yesterday must've went good." Olive stuck a bunch of popcorn in her mouth.

Andi turned her head to look at you as she also stood still on a stand. "What happened yesterday?"

Audrey went silent, but she also looked your way. All the boys were in a different room trying on their different outfits.

You looked at Olive with a wide smile. "It went good."

"That's it?" Olive asked offended. "As your bestfriend, I deserve all the details. It's in out bestfriend contract."

"Contract?" You laughed as you watched the costume designer put another pin into your pants.

Andi pointed at Olive. "She's not wrong. I'm not your best friend, but I do want to know what happened yesterday."

"She called a girl she had a thing with. Apparently it went well because missy over here is acting like someone on drugs." Olive threw a piece of popcorn in the air but missed it as she tried to catch it in her mouth. It fell to the ground where a few other pieces laid.

Audrey watched the piece fall, disgusted that she hasn't picked them up. "Are you even allowed to be here?"

Olive put a hand beside her mouth to block it from Audrey to whisper to you and Andi. "I didn't know she talked."

"So who is this fling?" Andi asked as she stepped off her stand. She started removing the outfit to put the next one on.


You cut Olive off. "Just a girl."

Olive smirked. "So secretive today."

"Is it no longer a fling then?" Andi buttoned her jeans that were high waisted with three buttons.

"No, we're just friends. We decided to leave it that."

Olive threw her hands in the air, which made her popcorn go everywhere. It earned her a nice glare from Audrey though. "Just friends? Are you kidding me?"

"I'm about to be gone for months for this. We just want to be friends."

"Dating an actor can be though when you're not one. They're always gone for something. When they're home, they're auditioning or promoting. It's hard on the other person because they don't understand this life." Andi offered you a sweet smile.

"Trust me, she understands your lives perfectly." Olive spoke even though it was a little incoherent from her mouth being full.

Andi turned quickly with an eyebrow raised. "So is she an actor? A manager to an actor? Your publicist? A director? There's too many choices to guess from, I give up."

You stepped down from the stand and carefully removed your clothing. You grabbed a sundress they thought about your character wearing and took it to the dressing room. "I will not be answering any further questions."

"You will not be able to keep this from me Stella Evans!" Olive shouted before slamming a hand to her mouth.

"Evans? As is Ana, Enzo and George Evans?" Audrey spun around on her stand to look at your dressing room even though it was closed. The costume designer was about to stick a pin in her shirt, not knowing Audrey was going to move. It pricked her skin and Audrey looked angry at the woman. The woman just shrugged and continued her job.

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