chapter 42

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Loud music blasted as you twirled around with two champagne glasses in your hands. You put one down on the counter for the lady who was about to do your makeup. Your dress was being steamed to make sure all the wrinkles were out. 

"I'm here!" Sophie shut the door with her foot as she walked in with her hands full. She dropped a brown bag on the counter for you. "There are options in there to choose from. Muffins, I have bagels over here, and a croissant. Didn't know what you'd be in the mood for."

The lovely smell of baked goods hit your nose instantly as you opened the bag. "Thank you. Would it be bad if I had them all?"

"You can't have them all now. Tonight you can stuff your face."

You pouted before taking a bite out of the soft croissant. "How much time do I have before we leave?"

"Two hours so we need to chop-chop." Sophie was freaking out on the inside making sure everything was ready for the premiere, but she looked completely calm on the outside.

You closed your eyes as the lady used a brush to start going back and forth on your eyelid to blend the colours. A man behind you started to pick up where he left off with your hair before you got up to get drinks.

"I heard Emma is freaking out. Something about her dress getting ripped. Jenna has been doing Instagram lives, not even close to being ready."

You smiled at the mention of Jenna's name. "Did they fix Emma's dress yet?"

"They're working on it. I feel like I should go yell at Jenna." Sophie tapped her chin a couple of times.

"You're not her manager. Let her show up fashionably late."

"I feel like I've been everyone's manager these past few days. Speaking of which..." Sophie sat down at the end of the bed behind you to open up her iPad. "You have a magazine cover shoot in three weeks."

"Wait seriously?" You turned around to look at Sophie, disrupting the artists.

"Yes. Vanity Fair wants to do a story about the new rising star Stella Evans. Be prepared to talk about your family, unfortunately. There is some talk about doing an Entertainment shoot with you and Jenna for this show, but that's not booked yet."

"My first magazine cover." You smiled in excitement as you sat still, trying not to move again.

"You're going to be a busy busy woman."


You stepped out of the car to be greeted by screaming fans. They were all behind railings, but it didn't stop them from trying to lean over to touch you. It took a second for your eyes to adjust to the hundreds of flashing lights directed right at you.

You kept a smiling face on, signing and taking pictures with as many people as you could. Sophie stayed behind you, but it was clear she was signaling for you to move on so the next car could pull up.

Emma arrived before you with her girlfriend Jada. There were already taking pictures together. You looked for the rip Sophie mentioned earlier, but there seemed to be none.

You were directed to follow the couple to start taking your picture before the press interviews. You stood in front of the backdrop, posing and smiling. Photographers were yelling your name here and there trying to get you to look their way.

Emma heard your name being called and glanced over in your direction. She waved you over so you quickly walked to her, trying not to trip in your heels.

"You look gorgeous." She held your hands out and away from her so she could get a full look at your outfit.

"Thank you. Is this Jada?"

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