chapter 11

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Day five. The last day in this horrid house. Freedom was calling your name. You could have your apartment to yourself. You could go out whenever to do whatever. You could get back to acting. All those thoughts were what was getting you through the day.

The whole mood in the house went back to how it was the first day. You both were ignoring each other, but at least it wasn't awkward like it was yesterday. This time you weren't leaving the room when the other walked in. Instead, you offered each other glares and went along your business.

You spent the morning with a nice workout. An early morning run with the sun poking it's way through the trees. The fresh air was nice and refreshing. It was almost a chore to go back to the house.

Jenna was pacing as she practiced her lines. She was doing a scene that you were in. In your head you spoke the lines that followed hers. A small smile spread on your lips for how proud you were of yourself for remembering. It was your job of course to remember lines, but it felt good to know your studying was paying off.

Jenna stuttered in her lines, taking glances at you and her lines over and over. She finally gave up trying to say her line. "Why are you smiling?"

"I'm sorry. Am I not allowed to?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes Stella, you can smile. I just want to know what has you smiling right now."

You grabbed a cup out of the cabinet. You twirled around towards the fridge. "One or two?"


You held the fridge door open while looking back at Jenna. "One. Or. Two." You made sure to add space in between each word to make sure she understood this time.


"Reason two, I get to go back to what I was getting paid to do. Act."

Jenna looked to the side as if she was thinking. "Reason two. Then what was the number one reason?"

You started to pour a glass of juice, ignoring Jenna's eyes. "Sorry, you didn't pick that number."

"Just tell me."

"One, I get to leave this house and no longer have to live with you."

"You're annoying."

"You're a bitch." You threw back

Jenna let out the first thing she could think of. "Obnoxious."


"Daddy's money."

You finally met her eyes. You took a sip of your drink and let out a sigh. "Short."

You walked away from the stupid insults to go sit outside. There were a million things you could say, but it was just wasting your energy. The Intro song from minions started to play off your phone. You knew there was only one person with that ringtone.

"Hey mom." You said.

"Stella, where are you? Your father and I stopped by your house yesterday, and you weren't home."

"I'm on vacation." You lied. You didn't want her to know you were filming a show just yet.

"Vacation? Maybe you should've told me that before I decided to come to your house. Waste of a trip. You know we have busy schedules."

"Sorry mother. I will make sure you know the location of my whereabouts next time I decide to leave my house."

"Don't be snippy with me." She warned. "When will you be home?"

" I don't know yet. I'm with some friends and we'll be gone for a bit."

"Well now I know you're lying. Olive is not with you."

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now