chapter 9

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You wiped your eyes and ducked your head under the covers. The bright light coming from your window was too much for you right now. You sniffed once, then twice realizing something did not smell right. That smell, was you.

You groaned and slowly raised up. You looked down at a green sweatshirt and grey sweatpants that was not yours. Your body smelt like chlorine mixed with alcohol.

You threw your legs off the bed, but the motion was too fast so you had to sit and close your eyes. Inhale then exhale. You mustered the strength to get up and shuffled your way to the door.

The house was quiet. Jenna's door was shut. You made your way down the stairs, slower than what a grandma could move. You poured yourself water and shuffled over to the couch. Your eyes have been closed, not liking how bright everything seemed to be.

Jenna came prancing down the steps. A little pep in her step if you will. She was moving much faster than you and being very loud. She started whistling as she opened every curtain in the room.

"Jenna, Jen, hey you. I'm gonna need you to shut up."

Jenna chuckled. "Someone isn't feeling good."

You rolled your eyes. "I feel awful."

"Maybe drink less next time." She walked away whistling again as she started to make breakfast, just for herself.

You shuffled back up the stairs to get away from the annoying girl. You decided to try and sleep some more. The shower could wait until you could stand without feeling like you were using all your energy.

A little beat was drummed on your door. You didn't open your eyes even when you heard the door open.

"See, she's under the weather right now. I wouldn't bother her."

"She looks.... dead." By that voice, you knew it was Adam.

"It's probably contagious." Jenna shut your door, leading Adam away. You continued to sleep until she opened your door again. "You just made me spend almost an hour convincing Adam we did not go out last night, that you just somehow got sick here."

You only hummed in response feeling worse than you did before. Your arm was hanging off the bed. There was definitely drool on your pillow.

"Get up it's almost two, and you smell."

Your eyes opened to see Jenna leaning against your door frame. Her arms were crossed and she looked disappointed in you. "You were nice to me yesterday, sorta. I've never seen you be nice so I'm guessing that's what it was."

Jenna scoffed. "I'm nice."

"Doubtful. You only seem nice to others." You closed your eyes feeling really dizzy.

"Maybe you just infuriate me."

"Ditto." You went to get up to grab clothes but instead you vomited all over your bed. Shit. Should not have tried to get up.

Jenna ran over to you to make sure you were okay. 

"Okay now you definitely need to go shower, I'll try cleaning this up."

"Awe someone cares."

"Have I ever told you I hate you?"

"Hmmmm, but I hate you more." You smiled getting up to go shower the puke off you.

"Good. At least we're on the same page."

Something was different though. The mood shifted or something unrecognizable was not the same anymore between you two. You ignored those thoughts by locking yourself in the bathroom to take a shower. You felt better than you did this morning after throwing up, but still not 100%.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now