chapter 41

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You stumbled backwards while Jenna followed, still kissing you. Your back ran into the dresser causing you to wince.

Jenna laughed pulling back. She pushed your hair behind your ears with both of her hands. You looked at her smiling, yet slightly confused.

"You're not the food I ordered."

"No, I am not." Jenna leaned back in while putting a hand on your back. She started to lead you away from the dresser so your back wouldn't be painfully pressed against it.

You shook your head while squinting your eyes. "What are you doing here?"

Jenna realised she might've made a mistake. She took a step back, an apologetic look on her face. "Should I leave? I-"

You stopped her by pulling her shirt so she would have to lean towards you. You wrapped your arms around her neck as she grabbed your waist. You slid your hands down, grabbing the hem of her shirt to tug at it. She stepped away for a second to take it off before coming back to you.

Jenna started to walk you back by holding onto your hips. You knew that a couple more steps and you'd be at the bed. Too many thoughts started rushing around making you stop and pull away.

You laughed while catching your breath. "Okay. Hold on. For real, what is going on? Completely caught off guard here."

Jenna slid a hand through her hair, also catching her breath. "I'm sorry. You have been driving me crazy."

You looked at her offended. "What?"

She facepalmed herself, rethinking her words. "I said that wrong. Let me restart. I can not get you out of my head. It drove me insane seeing you with Timothée. And everyone has been asking about him at every interview we've been to."

You smiled on the inside that Jenna was jealous. "So your plan was to come to my room and..."

"I had a plan. I did. It just didn't go the way I planned. You opened the door and I had to kiss you. Things just continued on from there. But, I did have a plan." Jenna smiled at you, trying to seem confident like she indeed did have a plan. "My plan was to come here and say I know that last time didn't end too well, but what if we tried again?"

"Last time? We weren't anything 'last time.'"

"We didn't put labels on anything, but we were something." Jenna shrugged her shoulders.

"So you want to do that again? No labels?"

"No labels for now. We can see how things go."

"What are these rules for a no label thing?" You were trying to get Jenna to reveal what she really wanted. You didn't want this to be a fuck buddy's only thing when feelings might be involved, at least on your side.

"We don't see other people." Jenna took a second to think. "We can talk every day and try to see each other as often as we can."

"Anything else?"

"Uh, we keep it under wraps for now until we figure the rest out."

"Friends in public. Something in private."

"Sure." She nodded her head.

You thought about it for a second. "Okay."


"Yeah, okay." You just hoped whatever this something was, wasn't going to backfire on you.

"Okay!" Jenna hesitantly took a step towards you.

"Room service." A voice called out after knocking on your door.

You passed Jenna to go open the door.  A nice man smiled before handing you a cart of food. You took the cart and rolled in into your room.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now