chapter 28

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you guys after the last chapter^^

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you guys after the last chapter^^

"Hunny, I'm home!" Olive opened your door with a basket in her arms.

You lifted your head off the couch where you had been the whole night. After getting home from California, you dropped all your items by the front door. You sauntered to your couch and plopped down. No movement had been made since.

Olive put out her arms to hand you a goodie basket she had made you. It had all your favourite sweets along with a pair of fuzzy socks, a face mask and a bottle of wine.

You grabbed the bottle of wine to see what kind it was. "liv, this wine is crazy expensive. Why did you get this?"

"It was a hostess gift from the party yesterday. Thought we could share it today. Seemed like a good time for it."

"Who in the world gives a bottle of wine as a thank you gift for attending their party?"

"The rich people who love throwing money away because they have nothing else to do with it." Olive grabbed two wine glasses and a corkscrew before sitting on the couch beside you. "Should we talk or drink first?"

"Drink." You unscrewed the cork and poured the drink into both of the glasses.

Olive took a sip eyeing you the whole time. "Okay I have to know. What's going on? You fight with your mother on a regular basis. Either it was another level of awfulness that hasn't been experienced yet, or something happened with Jenna. You wouldn't have left California early if it wasn't one of those two. If it was something else, I'm pretty sure you would've told me instead of lying about being homesick."

You laid your head back. "I messed up."

Olive stayed quiet as she repositioned herself to face you. She had one leg bent on the couch, and the other was on the floor.

"Jenna and I got into an argument. She stood up to my mom."

Olive furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay... what's the problem with that?"

"I don't need someone defending me. I can handle things on my own."

"el, you are a very stubborn person. Sometimes having help is a good thing. You don't have to do everything on your own. But if you knew you messed up, why did you leave?"

You looked ashamed as you twirled your glass to make the drink spin. "I didn't want to face her after going of on her."

"Oh, babe. You never apologised or explained?" You shook your head no. Olive sighed knowing this complicated the situation even more. "Have you at least tried to call her ever since you got home?"

"No. I've been here the whole time."

"I think you should call her."

"But what if she won't forgive me?"

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now