chapter 36

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Olive looked over at you, starting to get annoyed that your phone kept going off every five seconds. She would watch you pick up your phone, smile, giggle, or blush, then type away at a response.

"If your phone goes off one more time during my movie, I'm going to boob slap you." Olive warned.

You put your phone on silent and continued texting. Olive jumped from her spot on the couch onto yours. She pulled your arm down so she could see who you were texting. You pulled away and locked your phone.

She rolled her eyes. "Like I don't know your passcode."

"I'm going to need the guest room for a couple of nights." You smiled sweetly silently begging even though it was your house.

"You mean my room?" She folded her arms on top of your legs.

"Yes. You can still sleep here if you want, but it'll have to be with me or on the couch."

"Who is taking my room?" Olive eyes you suspiciously. Usually, you told her in advance when you had someone visiting.

"A guest."

She flicked you on the forehead. "No dip shit. Who is the guest?"

"Jenna." You bit your finger to stop from smiling.

"Jenna? When is she coming here?"

"In two days. She has some work down here for a few days. She just needed a place to stay."

"There are hotels for that. You two were pretty chummy at George's wedding." She winked at you while nudging your shoulder with her hand.

You ignored was she was insinuating. "I need to go to sleep. I have an early morning. Goodnight." You sang out before shutting your door to continue texting Jenna.


"No!" You hit the arm of your rolly chair laughing.

"I can do it. I promise." Sage squatted while waiting for your throw.

You threw a sour gummy up in the air. Sage opened his mouth wide, waddling to the side to try and catch it. It bounced off the side of his mouth and fell to the floor.

"Sage, you suck at this." Audrey was sitting on a couch, not looking up from her phone.

"Stella, you try catching with your throws. Here, let me show you." Sage took the sour gummies out of your hands. He threw one up in the air for you, but it was way too low.

"You did not expect me to honestly catch that."

"It's what you were doing to me."

"Bull. Just admit you can't catch food in the air."

Andi and Timothée walked in and plopped down beside Audrey. All of you were currently waiting for lunch to arrive. There was a knock at the door and a woman walked in handing each of you a new script.

You all flipped through reading what was changed or added. You opened your mouth in shock while being slightly disappointed that you lost the bet. There were a few laughs and one disappointed sigh.

"Andi." Sage was smiling but was trying hard to look sorry for her.

"Hand me my money you fuckers." Timothée pumped his fist in the air.

Andi backhanded him on the chest. "You literally die seconds after me."

"What?" Timothée looked at Andi's script to see where she read that. "Come on!"

Audrey leaned forward to look at Timothée. "What money?"

Everyone went quiet, not wanting to answer her question. All of you looked at each other wondering who was going to tell her.

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