chapter 39

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Your team was helping you get ready in your hotel room. The makeup artist was being very gentle around your nose so she didn't hurt you. Your hair was being curled and your outfit was laying on the bed. Four days of interviews and gatherings all leading up to the big premiere, starting today.

Today was nonstop interviews. There would be a break to eat, but then it would go right back into asking and answering the same questions all over again. You were hoping that Jenna could keep her mouth shut about the stuff Sophie said you weren't allowed to talk about. She put you in charge to change the subject if she started to say something she wasn't supposed to.

You walked into the conference room that was set up with posters of the show. Three chairs were to one side for you, Jenna and Emma. Another chair was opposite them for the interviewer.

Jenna looked up immediately when she heard the door open. Emma was already running at you when she realized you finally arrived.

She hugged you tight, swaying back and forth. "I've missed you. Hmm, you smell good. New perfume? I like."

"I've missed you! New hair? I like."

Emma's brown hair was now blonde, like her Enid wig. She pulled it off amazingly. Jenna stood up and hugged you awkwardly before both of you took your seats.

"Hi, I'm Danni." A girl walked in, shaking everyone's hands before sitting across from you. She had a clipboard with her scribbled writing on the paper. She was prepared with multiple questions.

Danni offered a wide smile before asking her starter questions about how everyone was and what it was like to film the show. You knew these questions were going to be asked at least a hundred more times before the tour was over.

"I heard a rumour, and I want you guys to confirm this." Danni giggled as she looked at her writing. She had been in here for a bit now, finally getting to her last question. "Did the kiss between Stella and Jenna have to be reshot multiple times because you couldn't stop laughing?"

You started to blush a little from embarrassment as your mind filled up with thoughts of that day.

Emma was cracking up beside you. She started to pinch her lips as she looked over at you and Jenna, waiting for one of you to answer.

"It's true." Jenna laughed. "I must've been a bad kisser or something. She would giggle every time."

"It's not like you had a beard or a moustache to tickle her either." Emma was still holding back her cheeky grin.

"Why did you keep laughing, Stella?" Danni asked, enjoying the funny but embarrassing question.

"I don't know. I think I laughed the first time over nerves and then I couldn't stop laughing after that. It just became funny to me."

"I'm so funny to kiss, am I?" Jenna looked at you.

You ignore her question. "I had to take like a five minute break to pull myself together. Once I start laughing, it's hard to stop."

"Well, thank you for your time. It's been a pleasure." Danni shook all of your hands again before leaving and someone new took her spot.

The same questions were repeated for hours. Back to back interviews with little breaks inbetween. You three still had to fly out tonight to appear on a talk show.

"Did you two know each other before you started filming?" The new reporter, Ben, asked.

Jenna looked at you before shaking her head. "No. We officially met at the script reading."


"We saw each other at a club one night, but it was a fast run in. No introductions." You answered.

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