chapter 19

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Still sick but I got bored sooo

Things around set had a weird tension after that dinner. Jenna always had some sort of smirk going on as if she knew something you didn't. But what also changed was you. Knowing her and Delilah weren't back together, and that lid popping off, you didn't feel like you had to put space between you and her anymore. No more restraints had to be made.

You, Jenna, Olive and Emma all sat in the hotel lobby at around one in the morning. It was quiet, no one else was down there besides the receptionist. The four of you were becoming a small group that was fun to be around. Everyone really bonded as the days passed.

Jenna and Emma were sitting across from you and Olive on the couch. Olive watched as you stared at Jenna. You couldn't help but watch her smile whenever Emma said something funny. Her hair was sitting perfect with her bangs a little messy.

"el?" Olive whispered.

You moved your attention away from Jenna to focus on your bestfriend. "Yeah?"

"You like her don't you?"

You scoffed. "What? No."

Olive rolled her eyes, annoyed once again that you wouldn't admit it. "You're such a liar."

"Don't say stuff like that with people around. They might hear you and get the wrong idea."

"You'd be so much happier if you just admitted it." Olive stopped whispering on purpose hoping one of the girls would comment on it.

"Admit what?" Jenna asked.

"Nothing." You sent a glare towards Olive who smiled proudly to herself.

Emma yawned, stopping Jenna from what she was about to say back to you. "I can't stay up any longer. My eyes don't want to stay open. Goodnight guys." She waved goodbye as she headed over towards the elevator.

"You know, I think she's right. It's getting late. Goodnight you two." Olive sent you a wink.

The little voice in your headed repeated the word liar over and over knowing full well she could stay up until six if she wanted to.

"How's um, the other film going?" You broke the awkward silence after the two left.

"Good. They had to move things around so I could be here. I'm going to be busy when I get back."

You nodded your head, unsure what to say next.

"Anything going on with you?"

"Just auditioned for a role. Supposed to hear for callbacks soon." You said it way too quickly.

Now Jenna nodded her head, unsure what to say. "I think I'm going to call it a night."

"Me too. I'll go with you."

You followed Jenna towards the elevators and silently rode up to your floor. There was still no talking as you both walked out and headed down to your rooms. Your rooms happened to be opposite each other.

"Goodnight Jenna."

"Goodnight Stella." She swiped her card over the door and it clicked open.

You were about to do the same thing when you turned around to stop her. "Jen."

She turned around already halfway through her door. She didn't say anything when she saw the look on your face. Instead, she slowly walked up to you. You took a step back with your back now against the door. Your breathing picked up at her sudden closeness. Your eyes flickered between her eyes and her lips. She caught on, doing the same to you.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now