chapter 20

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You opened your eyes looking at the door of your hotel bedroom. You started to stretch when you felt someone behind you move. You turned your head to see Jenna passed out facing the opposite direction. She didn't have a shirt on so you softly ran your hand across her back.

But then something didn't feel right. You moved the covers up to see you didn't have a shirt on either. Or pants for that matter. You raised the covers up quickly over your body with your eyes closed shut.

You took one more look at Jenna to make sure she was still asleep. She wasn't moving or speaking so you took this time to get out of bed and grab your clothes that were scattered on the ground. You quickly put all of it on, kissing her on the head before running out of her hotel room. You were still shimming down your shirt in the middle of the hallway as you unlocked your door.

You tip toed inside your hotel room, looking for any sign of Olive. The bedroom door rattled so you made a run for it to the couch. You sprawled out and moved your head to the side with your eyes closed.

When you heard her walk in, you yawned and rubbed your eyes. "Oh, good morning liv. Sleep well?"

Olive eyed you suspiciously. "Good morning. I didn't hear you come in last night."

"You must've been asleep when I came in. I tried to be quiet so I didn't disturb you." You sat up on the couch.

She squinted her eyes. "Uh-huh. I came out here to get some water around three. Throat was dry, were you uh, on the couch then?"

"I heard you. I was in the bathroom."

Her eyes widened and she slapped your arm. "You liar. I passed the bathroom, the light wasn't on."

"Sometimes I like to pee in the dark. Bright lights hurt my eyes at night." You tried to convince her hoping she would just move on.

"The door was open."

You shrugged your shoulders with a high pitched voice getting defensive. "I was in there. You just didn't notice me."

Olive plopped down beside you. "Shut up. You were with Jenna."

You rolled your eyes and looked away from her. "What? No. I was not."

"Look at me then. Look me in the eye and tell me you were not with Jenna last night."

You took a breath and looked Olive in the eyes. She gave you a look asking what you were waiting on. "Okay fine I was with Jenna."

"I knew it! What happened?" She turned to sit facing you.

"Nothing. We just talked."

Olive slapped your arm again. "Lie to me one more time and I'm going home."

"And give up your first class ticket on the way home?"

Olive stood up and started to walk towards the bedroom.

"Fine! We slept together." You called after her so she would come back.

Olive slowly turned around. She blinked once and stared at you in shock. You could see the wheels in her brain turning. "I'm sorry. I think I misheard you. You slept with her?"

You gave her a tight lipped smile. "Yes."

She came back over to the couch and sat down. "Can you please explain to me how this event happened."

You put a hand out a little taken aback. "I am not telling you the details."

Olive took a pillow that was behind her and threw it at you. "I don't want the details. I want to know how you went from 'I'm not going to tell her how I feel' to 'oh but I will sleep with her'. I think I'm just missing a few steps here." She mimicked your voice which made you cringe.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now