chapter 13

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You skipped the breakfast catering truck this morning in hopes of missing Jenna. Why were you ignoring Jenna? You didn't know the absolute answer to that question. You are an actor. You have kissed other people in smaller roles. So why was this one different?

The same three knocks you hear everyday you are in this trailer pounded on the door. It was your call to be known you were needed on set in ten minutes. You checked your makeup that was done for you. It was cool seeing fake cuts on your face. One ran across your forehead, it looked red and painful, but it was prosthetic.

You made it on set looking around for her. She was in her checked outfit and leather jacket. Her hair was in the usual pigtail braids, slightly messy. You had to force yourself to look away by pretending to go over the script. What was the matter with you? You hate Jenna, but here you are being all googly- eyed over her.

People started taking their positions. Jenna was in the scene first, alone. It's always surreal being in full makeup and costume when filming scenes. Behind her was the iconic dorm room of Enid and Wednesday, it was really small in reality but you knew it would look so much cooler on the screen.

Normally you would rehearse scenes when they change the script, but it wasn't a huge difference than what it used to be. Miles and Tim wanted you and Jenna to follow what was newly written, but also gave you the freedom to improv. That is why they decided to screw the rehearsal and go straight into shooting.

You stood in anticipation for the word 'action'. Right when the word was called, Jenna started. You stood off camera watching her work. She was looking down at a table full of evidence and suspects covering her whole desk. She spoke to Emma before she left. She then started mumbling about how stupid she was for missing out on important information at first.

Tim pointed at you and you finally walked into camera view. You approached slowly till you saw what she was looking at. You walked faster towards her, looking over everything in front of her.

"You can't be serious"

 She didn't look up at you. "I thought I told you to stay away."

"How could I when I knew you were planning a suicide mission alone?"

She placed both of her hands onto the table. "It's not a suicide mission."

You moved her chin to look at you. "You can't fight this alone, Wednesday."

"Oh yeah? You underestimate me." She turned to walk away, to get your finger off her chin.

You grabbed her arm. "No I know completely what you're capable of, but what if you get hurt?"

She ripped her arm away from you this time, her character hated being touched. "I can take care of myself, Blair."

Your voice softened. "I know you can."

"Then why won't you let me go kill this dumb Hyde before it kills more people?"

I don't want people to die either, you being one of them." You took a step towards the girl, closing the gap between you both. Your heart started racing knowing what was to come.

"I can't stand around doing nothing. Not when the vision showed I can fix it."

"I'll help you. We'll figure this out, together." You pushed her bangs back slightly, looking into her cold eyes.

She stared back at you, your bodies close. Your mind wanted to take you back to the night in the house when you were against the fridge. "Promise you won't do this alone?"

"Promise." She leaned in without hesitation and kissed you.

You kissed her back, but a small laugh couldn't stop itself from coming out. You moved your head onto her shoulder to hide from her face and the cameras.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now