chapter 25

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You woke up in a room you haven't seen before. An arm was thrown over your waist as you felt another person's body pressed up behind you. You turned your head to look behind you were Jenna was still asleep. A small smile spread across your face as you turned your head back around.

You lightly traced a finger along her arm and down to her hand. Jenna snorted as the feeling felt funny to her. You picked up one finger at a time then dropped them. You then drew a smiley face on the palm of her hand with your finger.

"What are you doing?" Jenna was smiling with her eyes closed. Her voice was raspy and deep from just waking up.

"Shh. Go back to sleep." You whispered, quietly melting at the way she sounded.

"I can't now. Some person woke me up."

"How insensitive."

She smiled even wider now opening her eyes. "The audacity."

Jenna squeezed you tighter, you flipped over to face her. Her eyes were full of lust. "I think someone woke up excited."

Jenna looked you up and down. "Hmm maybe. Do you want to help?"

"I don't know how I feel about that since we're in your old bedroom with your family in the house. Kinda like we're teenagers with no where to go."

"We are far from being teenagers, darling."

Jenna started to kiss your neck as someone knocked on the door. She laid back down and rolled onto her back. You laughed at her annoyed face before Natalie walked in. Then she laughed at you for looking embarrassed.

"Good morning. Breakfast is ready downstairs if you would like to join." Natalie didn't even seem to be fazed that you were in there.

Aliyah walked by behind Natalie but turned around after she registered what she saw. She jumped up and down pointing at both of you. Markus walked by looking concerned at Aliyah's behaviour. He looked at where she was pointing then started to push her away down the stairs.

"Thank you. We'll be down in a bit." Jenna was giggling at you, still, even after Natalie had shut the door.

You put your face in the pillow, muffling your words. "Shut up Jen."

Jenna kissed your cheek. "Come on." She took your arm and started to pull you out of bed.

You got up and finally got a good look at Jenna. Her hair was messy, she has sweatpants on, and she was smiling right at you. You took a step closer to her and fixed her bangs a little.

She wrapped her arms around your neck loosely. "Do I look decent now?"

You wrapped your hands around her waist and nodded your head. She kissed you a few times before opening the door.

The table was loud until you took the last step to get downstairs. They all looked at you and went silent. Aliyah had a smirk as you and Jenna took your seats at the table. Markus also looked like he had a lot of things to say but he was holding his tongue.

Mariah rolled her eyes. "Before they tease you all morning, can you hand me the salt please."

Jenna handed Mariah the shakers. "No." "Are you guys dating?" Markus asked at the exact same time.

"You didn't even let me get my question out first."

"It wasn't hard to guess what it was going to be." Jenna took a bite of her food looking at Markus.

"You have to be lying. After you two were in bed together." Edward choked on his food at Aliyah's words, "just sleep, dad. Also after everything you've said about her especially from the start-"

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now