chapter 3

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Today was the day you were flying to Bucharest, Romania where the show was going to be filmed. Other cast and crew shared the same flight as you, and luckily Jenna was seated two rows behind you.

You made it to the airport where people stood with signs to take you to your apartments. It was a nice place, something your parents would find acceptable.

You put your bags in your room. You turned around, put your arms out and flopped backwards onto your new bed. The soft comforter already making you want to fall asleep. You cuddled up on the spot and closed your eyes. It didn't last long because someone knocked on your door.

You got up to the door, putting on a smile acting like someone wasn't interrupting you. It dropped as soon as you saw Jenna standing in front of you.

"If you're practicing smiles, I would work a bit harder."

"What do you want Ortega?"

"Group dinner tonight. Meet in the lobby at eight."

You shut the door on her after her last word. Looking down at your watch, which read 6:24. You had enough time to get ready and take a short nap. You got back in your soft bed and closed your eyes after setting an alarm. This was going to be a nice home for the next few months.

Your alarm blared right next to your ear. You turned it off and unwillingly got out of bed. You threw on something cute and braided your hair. The time was 7:40. Quickly, you added some makeup and headed off downstairs.

Nobody you recognized was in the lobby. You turned around and looked down hallways, but no one was there. Jenna said to meet in the lobby at eight and it's eight. Why was no one here?

You grabbed your phone and called Emma. "Hey, where is everyone?"

"What do you mean? We just got done eating."

"What? I thought we were supposed to meet in the lobby at eight."

"No, we were supposed to meet in the lobby at seven."

Oh that bitch.

"Jenna said you weren't feeling well and wouldn't make it tonight. So sweet of her to check up on you."

You gritted your teeth. "Very. I'll see you in the morning."

"Feel better!"

You hung up the phone and laughed. One point to Jenna.

The next morning you made it onto the set. You found your trailer that was completely yours. Jenna and a few others had theirs. It was a nice area for you to relax when needed.

Breakfast was in ten minutes. You placed all your things on the small couch and sat in the chair that faced a tall mirror, similar to the ones in a salon. A smile broke on your face from all the excitement. You couldn't wait to see what life was going to be like after this.

A hard knock pounded on your door. You opened it to see Emma standing there impatiently. "Aren't you coming? We're going to be at the end of the breakfast line if we don't go now."

You walked down the stairs and closed your door. Your name was in large black letters on the door as well as your characters name.

"I see you're feeling better. First night nerves?"

You turned your focus off the door and walked with Emma to the catering trucks. "Yeah, sure."

"No need to be nervous. You're going to be great today."

You smiled at the girl. You both took your seats and waited for Tim to make a speech. He was excited and energetic for the first day to begin. When he finished, everyone stood up to get in line to make their plates.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now