chapter 32

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You woke up in your bed with your head pounding. You closed your eyes and put a hand on your forehead as if holding it would somehow make the headache go away. You continued to lay still until the bed shifted beside you. In utter terror, you turned your head slowly while clutching your sheets to see who was beside you.

Their shirtless back was facing you. By their dark curly hair, you knew who it was. You looked around the room to see it was destroyed. Everything on your dresser had either fallen over or was on the floor. Clothes were on the floor as if they were just thrown because none of the items were by each other. Your shirt was by the door, your pants were on the other side of the room, one shoe was by your dresser and the other was beside your bed.

You threw the sheets up to check yourself. You had a pair of shorts and a hoodie on. You took a breath of relief, but a question still kept flashing big red letters at you in your brain. What happened last night?



You've been on set for a couple of weeks now. Luckily, you didn't have to travel anywhere this time so you got to go home after work instead of a hotel.

Olive would visit often when she wasn't working. You, her and Andi were really becoming quite the trio. Sage still barely spoke unless he was acting. Audrey, well, nothing's changed there. Timothée was probably one of the funniest and chillest guys you've ever met. He made the late nights and rehearsals fun. Andi did too, but she wasn't always working the same days as you.

Rehearsals and filming had been chaotic. One day you were working on the beginning of the movie, the next you were working on the end. The writers still haven't announced the official ending yet, making the suspense fun of who will win the bet.

Currently, you, Andi and Audrey were in the makeup and hair trailer. It was the afternoon, a few hours until the sun would set. Andi was playing music off her phone while singing loudly. You joined in, trying to not move too much to disturb the artist at work.

"Put my mind at ease. Pretty please. I need your hands on me. Sweet relief. Pretty please." Andi held a hairbrush in her hand as she sang the lyrics to the song.

Audrey surprisingly started singing with her. "Exactly where I want me. Underneath your body."

Your mouth dropped open, moving your eyes to look at her in the mirror that covered the wall in front of you. Andi had a huge smile as she turned to look at her. She pointed a finger at her while still singing into the brush.

"I think we should go out tonight." Andi suggested right when the song ended. She threw the hairbrush on the counter in front of her and sat back in her seat.

"Where to?" You asked as you closed your eyes so the artist could apply light makeup onto you.

"The bar. Get a few drinks, have some fun." Andi started bobbing her head to the song that started playing. She mouthed the words to the song.

"I looked at the call sheet when I got here, you have to be here in the morning. You sure you want to show up to work with a hangover?"

"I never said we have to get drunk. It's just a night of some fun. I know how much I can handle. I won't go past that limit." Andi looked at Audrey who was getting her hair braided into French braids. "Would you come out with us tonight?" 

Audrey seemed hesitant at first. You suspected her to say no, but she shrugged her shoulders. "Sure. Just a few drinks."

Andi looked at you with a big smile. You put your hands in the air. "Hey, I'm in. I'm not the one who has to be here tomorrow."

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