chapter 10

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Ever since last night, you and Jenna have been avoiding each other. If you walked into a room, she would leave. If she walked into a room, you would leave. It was an odd, strange feeling. Neither of you knew what to do about it.

You heard Jenna start coming down the stairs. You were quick to grab your things to get out of the room. Your water bottle fell to the ground, which you thought about just leaving there.

Jenna reached out a hand to get you to stop what you were doing. "Wait. Before you leave, and we continue this awkward situation, I just wanted to say-"

The doorbell played throughout the room. Both you and Jenna looked at each other in confusion. You didn't know who it was unless it was Adam since he hadn't been over yet today.

"Just wait right here. Don't leave." Jenna placed a finger in the air before going to the door to open it.

"Hey! You haven't called me since I dropped you off after the party. I missed you." You could hear Delilah kiss Jenna who was utterly shocked to see her.

"What, um, what are you doing here?"

"To see you silly. Normally you talk about how awful it is being stuck here so I took it upon myself to come see you." She looked at Jenna weird. "Are you going to let your girlfriend in?"

"When did the girlfriend thing happen?" You waved a finger between them. Jenna looked at you all bug eyed then back at Delilah.

She didn't wait any longer for Jenna to move. She bent down and ducked under her arm to get inside. She gave you a big smile after seeing you. "She asked me to be her girlfriend after you and that girl walked away when we won beer pong."

Jenna was standing behind her looking like she forgot this happened. She slid a hand across her face with her nose scrunched.

Delilah was still looking at you. "Cute top." She complimented.

"Thanks." There was an awkward silence between all three of you that you would bet Delilah didn't think was awkward at all. "Well, I'll leave you two alone."

"Hold on. Sorry, excuse me for a minute Delilah."

She smiled before putting her purse on the couch. "Of course."

Jenna walked upstairs with you and started to whisper so Delilah wouldn't hear. "I'm sorry. I didn't know she was coming over."

"I don't know why you're apologising. You haven't apologised the past few times she was here."

"That was before..."

"Before..... what?"


You put a hand on her shoulder. "Jen, nothing happened. I don't even know what you're talking about. Now go back down there and be with your girlfriend. Just make sure to hide her in the closet when Adam gets here."

You walked to her room leaving Jenna alone in the hallway. You closed your eyes trying to forget last night. Both of you so close, you could've kissed if you didn't move away. You shook your head trying to think of something else.

You ended up watching movies on your laptop until someone softly knocked on the door. "Come in."

Delilah popped her head inside. "Hey, I have to go but I wanted to tell you goodbye."

"Oh, goodbye." You tried to not look weirded out by her saying goodbye. You wouldn't consider her a friend, but you didn't not like her.

"Stella, stop hogging my girlfriend." Jenna showed up behind Delilah.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now