"She saw her before she saw anything else in the room."

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The whole night you and Jenna would exchange glances with each other, but neither of you made a decision to take the next step and talk. Emma and Jada kept you occupied for a while until they started getting very flirty with each other. They left early, leaving you to fend for yourself.

You hung out with Georgie, Naomi and Johnna for a bit until you decided to leave as well. Outside was slightly cold, the winter weather was just around the corner. You walked down the street admiring the few stars that managed to shine even with all the city lights.

Your driver was surprised to see you since the party was still going on, but nonetheless, he took you to the hotel. You took off your heels and dress once you were inside your room. You laid back on your bed in your underwear almost falling asleep. The past few days have taken it out of you.

Somehow you found the motivation to put your pajamas on and start packing your things to get ready to fly back home to Los Angeles tomorrow. Olive was going to meet you at your house whenever you got back. She didn't give you an exact time, she just knew when you were supposed to land.

There were three quiet knocks at your door. You opened the door to see Jenna with her veil in her hands.

"Why did you leave?" She walked inside and sat on your bed.

"Emma left. Plus I needed to pack for the plane tomorrow." You turned your back to her and started to pack again.

Jenna looked at the floor debating if she wanted to ask her question or not. "Why did Timothée call you."

"He just wanted to congratulate me on the premiere. That was it, seriously. We only talked for about three minutes until you and Delilah came out of the elevator."

"I'm sorry again for not telling you about Delilah."

You shrugged it off even though it still bothered you. "Why'd you leave the party?"

"It was getting boring and I don't like talking to people that much."

"What about Delilah?" You aggressively stuffed a shirt into your suitcase.

"She's still there. She found someone else to spend her time with. I told her I was coming to find you."

Your lip twitched trying to smile, but you held it back. "You didn't have to do that."

"No, but I wanted to." Jenna stood up hugging you from behind. She kissed your shoulder resting her head against your back.

You stopped packing and leaned into her. You played with her hands that were around your waist. "What are you doing for the next few days?"

"Nothing I can't reschedule."

"Come with me to LA. It can just be us. We can do what we want without having to go out or do interviews. We can just stay at my house."

Jenna kissed up your shoulder to your neck. "I'll go pack my things." She smiled against your skin.


You and Jenna both wore hats and sweatshirts while at the airport. You kept your heads down, avoiding making eye contact with anyone. You just wanted to make it home as quickly as possible. That plan was unsuccessful because people recognized you and Jenna quickly.

People swarmed the both of you. Some were screaming and throwing things at you for you to sign. Camera flashes kept going off while some recorded the sighting.

Jenna grabbed your hand and got in front of you to keep people away from you. The two of you made it to the car and sped off to your house.

The minute you walked inside, you dropped all of your things and collapsed on the floor. Jenna did the same thing, but she laid on top of you. She was crooked compared to how you were laying.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now