Chapter 18: An Arrow Invitation

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The next day...

In the Exterior Hallway, Briar and her friends, including Ace and Deuce have finished class and walking down the hall

Ace huffs and says, "Trein caught me napping in Magic History. Now I've got extra homework!"

"He's using a sleep spell on us so he can load us up with more work. I just know it!" Deuce says.

"I know," Jasper says and lets out a yawn, "His lectures are enough to put me to sleep."

"Really. I never felt that. I just keep listening to the lecture and take notes," Tanzanite says.

"I put a rubber band on my wrist to keep myself awake. Any time I start to get sleepy, I pull it back and snap it," Deuce says.

"That seems kind of drastic," Ace replies, "Oh yeah, on another note... Isn't today the day they're announcing who passed the SDC auditions?"

"That's right. Rook said that he'll be sending a notification today," Briar says.

"It's almost lunch break, and we ain't got any news," Grim says.

"If we haven't gotten anything yet, do you think we're out?" Deuce asks.

"It's best if we wait it out a little more. There's still some time for the rest of the day. Rook said we'll receive news if we get he says it will be news or no news," Briar says.

"If you did get in, how do you know?" Sereia asks.

"I'm not sure, Rook didn't mention how to be honest," Briar says.

Then Trinket shrugs her shoulders,

Suddenly, with a whistle and a loud THUNK, something flies right past the group in shock, "WHOA!"

"Wh-what was THAT?! What just flew by?!" Ace exclaims in shock

"It buzzed past the tip of my nose!" Deuce says in fright.

Trinket turns her head and begins tinking, almost like she's in a panic.

"What is it, Trinket?" Briar says.

Trinket then points to the wall and flies to show Briar what it is. Briar too sees an arrow that is stuck against the wall.

"Hey guys, look what Trinket found! There's an arrow in the wall!" Briar says.

Grim panics, "Myah! An arrow?! What if there's an assassin out for our blood?!"

"Where do you think we are?!" Ace says shocked.

But soon notices something hanging on the arrow, "Wait, hold up. This arrow's got a note tied to it."

"Say what?! Is it a challenge?" Deuce questions, ready to fight.

"You need to stop assuming everything's a fight," Ace says.

"Ace is right. We can't just jump to conclusions. Even if it is something that flew past us," Briar says.

"Where did the arrow come from?" Sereia asks.

"I don't think we'll know since it came at us out of nowhere," Jasper says.

"Let's just read the note and see what it is," Ace says.

Ace then takes the note and looks at it.

"What does it say?" Tanzanite asks.

Ace then reads the note, "'Thank you for taking part in the Song & Dance Championship auditions.' 'The following two students have passed our rigorous screening process...' 'Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade.' 'Please report to the Pomefiore ballroom after school today.'"

Processing what the note says, Ace says in shock, "...Wait, what?"

"...We passed?" Deuce asks.

"WHAAAAAAA?!" Everyone exclaims in surprise.

"Th-that means we got selected for the ensemble, right?" Deuce asks, surprised.

"What else would it mean? Sweet! Now we don't have to help the housewarden!" Ace says, excited.

Grim however gets upset, "Mrooow! What about me?! My performance was top-tier!"

"I guess that means you didn't make it, Briar," Sereia sadly says.

"It's okay, Sereia. It was kind of a long shot for me to pass," Briar says.

"I guess so. If you pass and go on stage, they'll know you're the only girl on the stage. You'll stick out like a sore thumb," Ace says.

Then smirks, "Unless we can disguise you as a boy. You already have short hair, all you need is a costume change, some makeup, and slightly cut your hair more and you'll look like a boy for sure."

"No thank you," Briar says, with her arms crossed.

Ace laughs and says, "I'm just messing with ya."

Ace looks at the paper and notices, "Ah, hold up. There's more. 'P.S.: To Briar Hawthorne of Ramshackle Dorm.' 'We have news for you, so please report to Pomefiore with the two addressees.' ...That's it."

Deuce says, "I guess we're all heading over to Pomefiore after school."

"It seems so," Briar says.

"What kind of news could it be?" Sereia asks.

"It doesn't say from the looks of the note," Briar says.

"Guess the only way for us to find out is to go to the Pomefiroe Dorm and see what they want," Tanzanite says.

Meanwhile, Grim looks like he's going to cry, "Mrow... My four thousand cans of tuna..."

"Again with food, Grim," Jasper says, annoyed, "Don't you think of anything else?"

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