Chapter 72: By a Single Vote

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Soon, there is a drum roll, with everyone waiting patiently for the winner to be announced.

And the host finally announces the winner, "Royal Sword Academy!"

The audience cheers.

The host continues, "What a wholesome performance it was! The entire stadium was drawn into a world of fairy-tale fantasy! Second place goes to Night Raven College! They lost out on first place by just one vote, but their vocals and moves were a tour de force."

Grim begins to cry, "MYAAAH?! Nooo! My tuna bonanzaaa!"

Grim was so loud, that the others covered their ears. Even Trinket covers her ears.

The host continues, "Let's have a big round of applause for all of our competing schools and their amazing performances!"

The audience cheers.

"Will the winning team please step forward?" The host calls out.

Everyone claps with glee.

Neige, and his friends are surprised.

"O-oh my gosh... Really? We got the top spot?" Neige asks, surprised.

Grum turns to Neige with a smile, "Oh, pick your jaw up off the floor, Neige! Let's go get that trophy!"

"Hooray! Happy day!" Hop happily cheers.

Shelpie is sleepy, but soon wakes up, "...Wha? Did I doze off again?"

"W-we're number one..." Timmy says, blushing, "That's nice and all, but man, this is so embarrassing!" and hides behind Shelpie

"Yay! Thank you!" Snick says and sneezes, "...Achoo!"

Dominic is practically crying with joy, "I'm so happy! All that hard work we put into practice was worth it..."

"Why are you crying, Dominic?" Toby asks, "Everyone else is smiling!"

Soon, Neige and his friends walk on the stage.

Then the host hands them their trophy, "Here's your trophy. Congratulations!"

"Thank you..." Neige says, and takes the trophy. He then smiles, "Thank you so much! I'm so happy!"

"Now, let's have an encore performance from our winning team! Take it away, Royal Sword Academy!" The host says.

The audience claps and cheers. Meanwhile, the Night Raven Students are speechless.

Deuce is stunned, "You're...kidding..."

Ace feels the same, " vote..."

"Nngh... Nnngh..." Epel tries his hardest not to cry, but soon cries, "It ain't fair! IT JUST AIN'T FAAAIR!"

Now, Epel, don't cry. If you keep crying like that..." Kalim says, but shows sighs of tears as well, "'s gonna make me cry tooooo!"

And soon, Kalim and Epel begin crying, "WAAAH!" as they hug each other.

Then Jamil sternly says to Kalim, "Kalim! Remember, you're supposed to be the Asim family heir. Have a little dignity. We don't need footage of you bawling your eyes out streamed live to the whole world."

"But it buuurns! Aren't you upset about this, Jamil?!" Kalim cries.

"Oh, absolutely. I'm so upset, I'm beyond words or tears. My mind is a blank," Jamil says.

Then Vil sternly says to them, "You're still on stage. Stop this pitiful display at once! Stand tall and don't forget to give our rivals a sporting round of applause.

"You're taking this in stride, Vil," Jamil says, "Are you just used to this by now?"

"Calm? Used to this? Heh..." Vil says, calmly.

But then angrily says, "OF. COURSE. I'M. NOT. I want to walk over and kick all those Royal Sword boys right off the stage! Someone, knock me out before I unleash a tirade of verbal abuse that will mince them to shreds! Why, I'd love nothing more than to hex all the people who voted for them..."

Suddenly, Rook says, "Oh, fair Vil. Our Roi du Poison. I must apologize, for my choice has brought you much anguish. But I simply couldn't lie to myself."

That makes Vil confused, "...Huh? What are you talking about?"

"The one most deserving of your moi," Rook says.

That makes everyone even more confused, "What...?"

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