Chapter 45: Setting Things Right

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Soon, Deuce is getting into a fight with the three men as Briar and Epel are forced to stay back and watch. They want to do something, but are not sure what to do. Soon, the first man casts his magic at Deuce and knocks him down.

"Gah..." Deuce cries out and soon in pain.

The first man mocks, "What's the matter? Where's your precious magic, huh? All you're doin' is blockin'!"

"So much for your fancy-schmancy schooling!" The second person mocks.

Then the third man adds, "Have you learned not to mouth off yet, you preppie wimp? No? Here, have another lesson! HRAGH!"

Then the three cast more magic at them.

Deuce cries out, "Gh..."

"Deuce!" Briar cries out.

Then Epel says, "I can't stand watching this!"

But Deuce refuses, "No! Don't use your magic against them!"

"But—!" Epel says, concerned.

Deuce struggles to get up as he says in thought, "(We can't use magic against the general public. But it's all I can do to defend against this.) (I have to do something... But what?!)"

"You're finished now! Try this on for size!" The first man says, and casts his magic.

The magic ends up hitting Briar and Epel.

"Hrk..." Epel falls to the ground.

"Gaah..." Briar screams and falls to the ground.

Deuce cries out, "EPEL! BRIAR!"

Suddenly, some kind of magic appears within him and it begins to sparkle as Deuce is about to attack.

Deuce is shocked, "What...? What's this? Magic is welling up inside me..."

With that, Deuce attacks the three men with full force.

The three men scream, "Agh!"

Deuce is shocked to see what happened, "Huh? What? What just happened? Why did they all fall over?"

"Was that...what I think it was?" Epel asks, shocked.

"I... I think it is..." Briar says.

Deuce then turns to Epel and Briar, "Come on, let's get back to campus."

Epel and Briar nod their heads.

Later in the night, Briar and the boys return to the Pomefiore Dorm. However, they end up getting a scolding from Vil upon returning.

Vil crosses his arms with a stern face, "You think you can just waltz back here? Not only did you skip your rehearsal, but you left campus without permission AND got in a fight? You're lucky it was written off as self-defense. But what if you'd gotten barred from competing in the SDC because of it? Does your irresponsibility know no bounds?!"

Deuce quickly speaks up, "Vil, I am so, SO sorry! I was the one who took Epel and Briar off campus without permission. I accept whatever punishment you deem fit, sir!"

Briar blushes, "I'm partly to blame. I've decided to go along with it to help Epel, and didn't think that leaving the school wasn't a good idea."

But Epel says, "No, I was the one who ran out in the middle of rehearsal...and I started the fight. This is my fault! And, if I may add one other thing? I learned something today. I finally understand what you mean when you talk about power."

Vil is shocked to hear it.

Then Epel explains, "Deep down, I've always looked down on people who care about being cute or charming. But you endorsed my hometown's apple juice, and everyone in town is happier for it. I think your concept of power finally clicked for me. And now I want to have power like yours, Vil."

"Heh... Let me tell you something, Epel," Vil says, "I like making people prostrate themselves before me. There is one form of power that can bring people to their knees. It's more overwhelming than violence; more eloquent than words. I speak, of course, of beauty. That is why I devote myself utterly to the art of aesthetics—so that no one can outshine me. So that I can be the fairest in the land. You were fortunate enough to be born with the weapon called "charm." Whether you sharpen that weapon into something useful or let it rust away is up to you. I suggest you remember that."

"Yes, sir. I'm going to keep getting more powerful. Powerful enough to beat Neige AND you!" Epel says having a newfound confidence and determination.

"Heh. At least you're ambitious," Vil says.

Rook chuckles, "Heh heh heh. I see the baby birds have learned a valuable lesson. What would you say to letting them off the hook this time, Roi du Poison?"

Vil sighs and says, "I suppose the point has been made. There's no sense in belaboring it. I'm giving you boys a second chance. There will not be a third. Is that clear?

"Yes, sir!" Deuce and Epel answer.

And Vil sternly says, "Don't take that peppy tone with me. You both clearly have an excess of energy. Your punishment is to run thirty laps around the dorm!"

"Yes, sir! Running now, sir!" Deuce & Epel and begin to run laps around the dorm.

Seeing them, Kalim says, "It sounds like they got into some trouble, but at least they're feeling better! They look like they both had a moment of catharsis."

"A moment that could have thrown the whole show into jeopardy, you mean. What a mess..." Jamil says.

"No kidding," Ace agrees. "And Vil ran the rest of us through the wringer while they were out. Have some pity for the rest of us, man."

As they run back, Deuce stops in front of Ace and says, "Oh, by the way, Ace!"

"Yeah? You'd better not be expecting an apology," Ace says.

But Deuce says, "Hey, don't put words in my mouth."

And then says, "You were right, okay? I'm not as smart or as slick as you are. But even then... I'm not letting you outshine me, okay? That's all I wanted to say. Later!" And then Deuce continues running.

"Wait, what?" Ace says, confused, "Huh? Did he just declare war on me? Is he nuts? That knucklehead wouldn't outshine me in a million years."

Then turns to Briar and the others, "You guys, agree, right?"

"From where I'm standin', any competition between you two is a race to the bottom," Grim says with a smirk on his face.

"BWAH?! What was that, you little furball?!" Ace shouts, annoyed.

Briar smiles and says, "I can't wait to see how practice goes now."

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