Chapter 32: The Curse's Trigger

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Being caught by Vil, Briar expects the group are going to end up with a punishment.

Ace stands his ground, "Look, we're growing boys, okay?! Of course we're gonna get hungry at night."

"Speaking as a Heartslabyul student, I can't possibly ignore Trey's homemade sweets. That would just be wrong..." Deuce says.

"Any moment now, Vil says, suddenly.

Confused, Ace asks, "Huh? Whaddaya mean, any—" Suddenly, Ace flinches, "HRK!"

Grim finches as well, "Mrah?!"

"Urgh!" Deuce flinches.

Then the three collapsed on the ground.

Briar gasps in shock and starts to panic, "Are you guys okay?!

Petrified, Ace says, "B-body's...going numb..."

"Rrrgh... I can't stand..." Grim says, struggling to move.

Then Decue asks, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, you guys were having a snack, and Vil came, and well..." Briar says.

Suddenly, the realization clicks in and looks at the food and drink they've eaten from. Briar realizes that something must have been added to the food. And the only reason why she didn't end up like this is because she didn't eat or drink anything.

Ace soon realizes himself, "Wait... Did you poison the food in the fridge?!"

"Heh. It's not poison. It's a curse," Vil says.

"A curse? How do you curse food...?" Deuce asks, stunned and still can't move.

"It's my signature spell: Fairest One of All," Vil answers, "It gives me the power to place a curse upon anything I touch. A curse so potent, not even I can lift it before its stated conditions are met. I imagine you'd like to know how I've hexed the food I confiscated from you today. Shall I tell you? 'Any fool who partakes of this shall be immobilized until the next sunrise.'

"You what?!" Briar asks, shocked.

"Y-you can DO that?!" Deuce asks, stunned.

And Ace says, "That's even more sinister than poison! It doesn't even taste any different!"

Then Vil says, "I told you to avoid foods loaded with sugars and additives until the SDC show. You clearly aren't taking your roles as ensemble members seriously! You can stay on the hard floor until morning as punishment."

"B-but I didn't even take the food! Someone else shoved it in my mouth!" Deuce justifies himself.

But Vil ignores him, "No excuses! This is collective responsibility."

"Um with all do respect Vil," Briar says, calmly with a sheepish smile.


"I suggest you try not to shout so loudly, it will damage your vocal cords if doing so, and you are taking part in opening the fair before we go on for the SDC," Vil says in a calm and stern tone.

"Maybe so, but what you did was uh, mean, and not to mention scary! I was really scared when my friends suddenly collapsed! And I better not find out you poisoned the rest of the food in this dorm! Or everyone else will suddenly collapse from your curse!" Briar says, but she still sounds upset.

"Well then, you'll be happy to know that isn't the case," Vil says, still carrying a stern tone.

Then says, "Seeing as you did not partake, I'll let you off this time. But don't start indulging just because you're not going to be in the competition. Now get back to your room, unless you want to root yourself into the floor with the spuds."

"Are you just going to leave them like this? I think them being poisoned is enough of a punishment," Briar asks.

"It's their punishment for disobeying the rules," Vil says.

Briar sighs and says, "Fine, but if this happens again, and if I find more of my friends have collapsed, I'm going to tell Headmage Crowley! And can I at least bring them a blanket or even a pillow if they're going to end up sleeping on the lounge floor?"

"I'll keep that in mind, and no, you will not bring them a blanket or pillow," Vil sternly says.

Briar sighs, "Okay Vil..."

Then turns to the group, "Sorry guys."

And Briar has to take her leave and walks up the stairs.

However, Briar says in thought, "I don't care what Vil says. What he did was already punishment. When he leaves, I'll try to get the others comfortable despite what they're being put through."

Grim cries out, "Myaaah! Briar! Don't leave meee!"

However, Briar has already gone up stairs and to her room.

Vil turns to Grim with a stern tone, "Cease your yowling!"

Vil scoffs, "Hmph... Why must they all act in such an unbecoming manner? I simply cannot fathom why." and crosses his arms with a frown.

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