Chapter 3: Worldwide Eyes

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Earlier, Azul explains on how Vil is a celebrity and a model in the media world

Vil scoffs and says, "Hmph. Ever the chatterbox, Azul. That's basic information—hardly worth calling attention to. Would you kindly cease your embarrassing slavering?

Then Idia says, "Oh, speaking of influencers—Vil's not the only one slated for SDC this year. I heard the one and only Neige LeBlanche is putting in an appearance too. It was all over online news sites a few days ago. It's no surprise that the media would be all over it.

"Neige LeBlanche... Ah, yes. We received a registration form for him a few days ago. He's a sophomore representing Royal Sword Academy," Riddle replies.

Vil remains silent after hearing the name.

"Neige?" Briar asks.

Lilia turns to Briar and explains, "He's considered the most likable celebrity in the world. He's known for his disarming good looks and approachable nature. Hardly a day goes by when I don't see his face plastered over one screen or another. Who knew he went to Royal Sword Academy?"

"Oh, so he goes to the same school as Che'nya," Briar says as she turns to Riddle.

"That's correct," Riddle replies.

"Yeah, there you go. He's like a boy idol for normies..." Idia says.

But quickly asks Lilia in surprise, "Wait, hold up. You guys actually watch TV in Diasomnia?

Lilia chuckles, "Khee hee hee. Why, of course! I'd simply wither and die without my dramas. I've been known to enjoy a spot of gaming, too."

"H-huh... Somehow, I wasn't expecting that," Idia replies, still surprised.

Then Crowley enters the conversation, "Vil Schoenheit and Neige LeBlanche. This year's Song & Dance Championship will play host to two globally famous celebrities. It is no exaggeration to say that this will be the highest-profile year in the entire history of the event. Rosehearts, do make certain that you are amply prepared to avert any incidents on the day of the show.

"Y-yes, Headmage. turning out to be even more of a to-do than I was expecting," Riddle answers, remaining calm.

Then Azul says, "Even the slightest mismanagement could trigger a commotion among the throngs of fans that will be in attendance. Riddle, I would be glad to extend a special offer of assistance if you're starting to feel the pressure. After all, I already have plenty of experience after handling the uproar at the interdorm Spelldrive tournament."

"Do you really have to remind us of that fiasco?" Briar asks.

"Hey, cephalo-punk. Want me to dry out that slimy tongue of yours and make it into octo-jerky?" Azul questions, giving him a vicious glare.

"Dear me, how frightening! Heh heh heh..." Azul replies with a chuckle

Then Riddle says, "Your help won't be necessary, Azul. I have no desire to incur any special debts to you. There's no telling what you'd ask for later as compensation. Focus on doing your own job well."

"What a pity. Do let me know if you ever change your mind," Azul says, " My spirit of benevolence has no expiration date."

"Same here," Kalim happily says, "Feel free to reach out to me if you have trouble with anything, Riddle. I'm always happy to help. Ooh, I just can't wait for festival day!"

Then Idia says, "Yeesh. Must be nice to see the bright side of everything all the time. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here every day wracking my brain, trying to figure out how I can present my research without going up on stage... I just know if I go up there, everybody in the venue's gonna be like, 'Uh, is his hair on fire?' 'Is he from the Shroud family?' 'What kind of creepy research is he doing, anyway?' They're gonna spread rumors like... Well, like wildfire.

Uuugh, this sucks. For an introvert like me, public speaking is, like, EX difficulty."

Briar says to herself in thought, "Sheesh, this guy is a real downer.

Then Riddle says to Idia, "Idia, the rules state that the researcher must be on stage in person. I cannot make an exception for you.

"Oh, great, here we go with Riddle's personal skill, Rulemonger. Y'know what MY person skill is? Thinking that rule is really backwards. For one thing, who wants to listen to a geek like me mumbling into a microphone? Text-to-speech would go way smoother and be easier for listeners to parse," Idia says, sounding annoyed.

"Aren't you talking perfectly fine with us right now?" Riddle questions with a frown.

"Y-you can't compare voice chatting online with people you know to giving a talk to a crowd full of strangers, okay? There's no way I could handle Q&A after the presentation, for that matter. I'd freak," Idia says.

You have just over a month until the festival. Perhaps you could use it to practice delivering a speech loudly and clearly without stumbling? In fact, I'd be willing to join you for practice sessions after school if you like," Riddle says.

But Idia says, "Erk! N-no thanks, I'm good. I'll figure something out on my own before it's go time. The last thing I need is a mandatory grind on a repeatable training event with Mr. Impossible-to-Please."

"Very well. Then I shall look forward to your fully composed research presentation, Idia," Riddle replies.

Then turns to Crowley, "That wraps up the management committee's report,"

"I'll adjourn today's housewarden meeting here. I expect all dorms to continue with their preparations for the big day," Crowley says.

Soon, everyone begins to take their leave. Vil however, leaves last, and seems to be deep in thought since Neige is brought to the conversation.

Sometime later, Vil has gone into his room and brings out his phone.

He holds out his phone and says, "Mira, Mira. Tell me something."

Vil's phone, Mira says, "What would you like me to look up?"

"Who, at this moment, is the most beautiful of all?" Vil questions.

Mira says, "Displaying results for 'account with the most comments using the word 'beautiful'': Neige LeBlanche.

"Neige...!" Vil says, sounding stunned.

He remains silent and calmly says in a bitter tone, "...Then the time has come.
Just then, Mira says, "I'm sorry. I didn't understand your command. Could you repeat that?"

At an unknown area, the scenery shows that it's purple, and droplets of blotting ink fall onto the floor and merge into a bigger blot.

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