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Rose's POV:

"Rose I miss you already... what am I going to do here without you?" the whole plane ride to L.A I had been on facetime with my best friend Kim Seungmin from Stray Kids. We have been friends for about five years now, we became friends when Seungmin became a trainee at JYP studio so we are just like family and were very inseparable up until now. I wanted to go back to L.A for good since me and my girls split up, unfortunately being a Kpop idol was to much for Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa and I so we decided to end BlackPink. I have a boyfriend in L.A that I visit every other month and his name is Oliver Moy and we have been dating for four years now, Sebastian Moy and Oliver were my best friends when we were kids but Oliver and I were always the closest out of the three of us. I got to meet there new group last time I came to visit which was about four months ago since I had to handle everything with JYP letting BlackPink go and everything else that came with it.

"Seungmin I'm about to land I'll call you later after I get settled in and talk with everyone for a little." I smile and wave to Seungmin and we both give each other two finger hearts just like we always do whenever we leave one another weather it be on facetime or in person, I land and get my luggage and after I make it outside I see it's raining and I couldn't find Oliver or Seb anywhere.

"Rose? hey over here!" I turn around and see one of the members of Oliver's group I think his name was Ryan Nguyen or something like that.

"Hey you're Ryan right?" I walk over to his car and he just gives me a faint smile and nods at me grabbing all my bags and putting them in his car.

"Hop in, Oliver and Seb were a little busy today so they are just going to be a little late to the house when you get there. Oliver asked me to come pick you up and help you move into his room so that way you didn't have to do it yourself" we both get in the car and he drives us to the NSB house and as soon as I walk in with my bags in my hands I see the other boys doing tiktoks.

"Sorry about not really having a welcome home surprise for you but we all are swamped with work and we're trying to keep up with it all." Ryan helps me with the rest of my bags and he takes them up to Oliver's room with me and we start unpacking all my things while we blast some music.

"Thanks Ryan for taking time off of your social media time to help me, I know it's kind of a lot to unpack but thanks for helping me." I finish putting things in the closet and take the last suitcase in the bottom of the closet and we walk out of the room joining the others in the living room and as soon as we walk in I see Sebastian and Oliver sitting on the couch talking about music.

"Hey boys" I said loud enough for them to hear me and as soon as I say it Sebastian and Oliver jump out of their seats and look right at me.

"Oh my gosh you're actually here?! come here babe" Oliver smiled bigger than I've ever seen before, I walked up to them both and before I could hug one of them they both hugged me tight. Even though it's been awhile since I've been back it feels like I haven't been here in years, Sebastian lets go of me and pats my head while Oliver kept holding on to me like I was going to disappear on him if he were to let me go.

"Guys now that she is here we need to talk about the new rules of the house, I know we are all use to it being just us boys but now we are living with a girl and that girl being my girlfriends. Take a seat and let's get this over with so that way we can do our filming and then be able to go to our photoshoot we have to do here in the next two hours" Oliver lets go of me and sits back down in his seat. Everyone puts their phones away and sit on the other couches in the room and Oliver pulls me down and make me sit in between his legs while he wraps his arms around me, I see all the boys looked a little stressed but they also looked excited.

"Alright so now that Rose is living with us none of us can be walking around in just underwear or in just a towel. The biggest rule there is will be no one is to flirt with her and no one will take up a bunch of her time because her time is my time and she will be with me one 99 percent of the day, when it comes to filming she will be apart of it if she is comfortable. She will room with me of course and as for us going out on Friday nights we can still do that and we can still do parties here at the house. Everything will still be the same except for now there is a girl involved and she will just join in with the stuff that we do together as NSB and we will still remain just us seven but Rose won't participate in any of our challenges but she will still be with us so that way she isn't alone at the house while we are out having fun." All the guys agreed to everything Oliver was saying and I agreed with them but to be honest it felt a little weird now that I am living with all these guys and their camera crew and manager.

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