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Rose's POV:

It's been a weeks since I've moved in with the boys and it's been crazy fun and chaotic but it was the best week of my life. Oliver and I have been doing well but there has been a few things that have caused me to start not trusting him little by little, there was a girl he use to date before me and she has been hanging around him when I was living in Seoul. I was struggling to trust him when he told me nothing happened between the two of them but I knew she wanted him back because of the way she talks to him and acts when he's around and when he's not around. "Rose do you have everything? we're about to leave so we can go to the airport" today we were leaving L.A and going to be in New York for a few weeks. I packed everything I needed and went downstairs to join the others, everyone was there except for Ryan and Darren and I had no idea where they were because when I woke up they weren't here.

"SUPRISE!!!" I turn around and see Darren and Ryan with new hair colors and they look great with their new look.

"Ryan you dyed your hair blonde! and Darren your hair is silver and blue! you guys look amazing!" I go over and hug them and everyone starts rushing us out the door.

"I can't wait to get to New York it's been so long since I've been there!" I was the one who was the most excited for our trip. I had been looking forward to going back to New York and hopefully go see some of my friends from Seoul since they were also going to New York for their break and I couldn't wait to see them even though it's only been a week.

"Alright guys not much longer until we're at the airport" Tyler had been driving a rental van until we got to the airport so that way none of the guys cars were stuck at the airport.

"Here" Ryan and me were sitting next to each other and he handed me one of his ear buds so we could listen to music together.

"Do you wanna listen to Stray Kids? I know that you were friends with them when you were in Seoul, plus you said they have good music." Ryan smiled at me and I nodded excitedly finally being able to hear them sing again even though I listen to the boys music almost every day, my boys were going to be in New York doing a couple interviews and then taking a break.

"Thanks Ryan... if you wanna meet them you can, they are going to New York too they told me that they were doing a few interviews and then they were on break for a few days so they could rest a bit." Ryan's head bolted over to me and he just smiled bigger than I've ever seen before.

"Of course I'd love to meet them! I've seen photo's of a few of them and I heard one of their songs so yeah I'd love to meet them." Ryan turned his head forward and turned on Stray Kids 'the view' on and I look out the window watching as we pass everything outside, I was so happy I was going to be able to see Seungmin again and the other boys.

"Alright everyone we're here, remember that we will be sitting near one another and when we arrive in New York you guys are going to group up with each other and wait for me to get a van. Once we got out van we can go to the hotel I booked us and then we will have to get to work right away and as for you Rose I know you have some friends from Seoul you are going to go visit while we were so I will rent you a normal car. This way you can leave on your own time if we already have the van and we might be out for the day" Tyler gets out of the car and we join him after grabbing our luggage and we all went to the plane gate we were supposed to go to.

"Babe you're sitting with me and Seb" Oliver walks over to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder as we give the lady our plane tickets. We go through the passage and find our seats putting our small bags in the upper carriage, Oliver and Seb let me have the middle seat since I don't really care for the window seats because it scares me a little. 

"These next couple of weeks are going to be really fun! I can't wait to go to New York City for the first time." Seb was smiling nonstop while we were on the plane and while we were driving to the airport, the boys were trying to figure out what they were going to do for their very first music video but Tyler had plans for it and the boys like all the ideas he had spit at them. Five hours pass by and it's getting dark, we just landed in New York and we rented a car for me and a van for the boys. We drove straight to the hotel which was only an hour away, we reached the hotel and went to our room and of course Oliver and I shared a room but Ryan and Regie were rooming with us since there were two beds in each room.

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