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Rose's POV:

It's been a week since Ryan asked me to marry him and I've gotten better with my wounds and now I'm able to do more things now that I'm healing more. "Babe are you going with the girls to look for your dress today? or are you going to look at different dresses for the girls?" Ryan was at my apartment and we were planning to take our friends to find them their clothes for our wedding.

"I'm meeting Lisa, Jisoo, Jennie, my mom and big sister at the wedding shop I gave them the address yesterday when they were over here. I plan on looking for their dresses and mine at the same time because we also are going to check on the venue and I have to make an appointment with the hair dresser and I still have to get my nails done the day before the wedding in two weeks. There's so much to do and in such little time" it was almost June and of course I wanted to be a June bride because it was my dream since I was a little girl and no I got to make my dream come true and it was with Ryan.

"Alright I'm gonna head out to meet the boys and by the way don't forget that we need to meet up with my parents later tonight for dinner so they can meet you." I nodded and we gave each other a kiss and went our separate ways and I drove to meet the girls and luckily they were already there waiting for me.

"Hey guys sorry I took so long to get here... I was talking to Ryan about the plans and everything else that we have going on." I hugged my friends and my mother and sister and we went in looking all around at all the pretty dresses they had and of course I made my brides maids find their dresses first.

"What are you looking for Rose? do you want us all to be matching or do you want us just to choose what you think is the prettiest?" Jennie said as she walked next to me looking around.

"I figured you guys could choose which ever dress you wanted to wear because I didn't want any of you having to wear something matching like that." I wanted the girls to feel comfortable so they took what I said and just searched for something they liked and of course they tried a bunch of dresses until they finally found the perfect dresses for them.

" I wanted the girls to feel comfortable so they took what I said and just searched for something they liked and of course they tried a bunch of dresses until they finally found the perfect dresses for them

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