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Ryan's POV:

"She's mine Ryan!" Oliver got head to head with me and I just felt a rush of anger over fill me and I just saw Rose's face from last night and stepped back.

"No... she doesn't belong to you anymore! she doesn't belong to anyone because she is her own person she isn't an object we can just keep and toy with. I won't let you hurt her anymore! you broke her last night but let me guess you don't remember anything from last night right?!" Oliver looked at the ground and he looked like he was getting effected by this whole thing.

"I... I didn't wanna hurt her, I have to go home and see her! I have to fix this!" Oliver runs to the door but I grab his arm before he could open the door and he just glared at me.

"Let me go Ryan!"

"No Oli! she needs time to herself to try and heal from what you did to her last night! you have to understand that you truly hurt her. Did you know that when she seen us she didn't smile like she always does?! she hasn't smiled since the mall when I seen her with Seungmin and the others! we go home in a few days so for now we need to do what we're supposed to here. She doesn't want to see you right now and frankly I don't fucking blame her! you said some pretty messed up shit to her." Oliver lets go of the door handle and just walks into the bathroom and locks himself in there while me and Regie just get ready for tonight fan meeting we had been planning to do for weeks now.

"I'm going to see what Justin, Darren, Seb and Kane are doing and you can come if you want but I'm going now." I walk over to their room across the hall and Justin answers as soon as I knock, they all were getting ready for tonight and they all looked nice with their different outfits they were trying to choose from.

"Have you talked to Rose yet Ry?" I look over at Darren and shake my head at him, I look at the floor and think about if she is alright.

"Oliver and I got in each other's faces... he said she was his and I told him she doesn't belong to him nor anyone because she isn't a thing to own. She's a person not a toy and I told him about everything he said and did and what she over heard when she came to the club last night, he wanted to go after her and tried saying he was going home. I stopped him from leaving but he's locked himself in our bathroom and I think he is getting ready for the meeting tonight but I'm not sure, Regie said he'd stay with him to make sure he didn't do anything crazy." The guys sat down in the chairs and beds after getting dressed and we all talked about what happened last night and how things are going to be now that Rose and Oliver have broken up.

"Ry... be honest with us when we ask you this alright?" Justin says getting out of his chair and sitting next to me on the bed with his hand on my shoulder.

"What is it?" I glare at him feeling like he is going to ask me some stupid question or tease me about something I did because that's what they always do.

"Do you... like Rose?" my eyes widen and I look straight at the floor and start messing with my hands not knowing how I actually felt. I never said it out loud to anyone but I guess I do kinda like Rose I mean she was always around every other month and it was always fun playing video games with her when she wasn't around. But I always thought I felt like this because I thought of her as a best friend or something but I never thought of it as I liked the girl, she is really pretty and she makes me feel like I can be myself even when I'm afraid to.

"I... I don't actually know, I always just thought of her as another long distance friend but the more time I spent with her the more time I started to feel different about her. Yeah she's pretty and super sweet and amazing when she sings and dance, she's super smart and she makes me feel like I can be myself even when I was always scared to show people who I am. She is always able to get me to show my nice and comfortable side of myself unlike when I am filming with you guys I seem like an instigator and like I'm a cold person but she sees the real me. I guess in a way I do really like her... but you can't tell her! that's Oliver's ex and on top of it she wouldn't like someone like me. You guys know my past and if she knew what happened in the past she would hate who I truly am and then I will never forgive myself for letting her leave my life because she found out about who Ryan Nguyen really is." All the guys promised they wouldn't tell her about my past and I felt a little bit of relief knowing Rose wasn't ever going to know about me liking her nor knowing about who I really am.

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