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Rose's POV:

"Hey Seungmin" I picked up the facetime I got from Seungmin and he looked excited more than usual.

"Rose I get to see you in two days! I'm so excited" I laughed and stood up from the bench that was against the wall close to the door of Michaels.

"Hey where are you?" Seungmin's excitement disappears and worry fills his face.

"I was at Michaels with Ryan but he's been gone for an hour and a half and so I've been sitting here waiting for him to get back but he's taking forever. He has the key to the car so I can't get in the car and wait for him but it's starting to get cold out here and I just wanna go to home" I looked around and there was still no sign of Ryan.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there to take you home right now... I wish I could have visited you while I was in L.A but I had no time. Last week was a lot and now that we're back home I can rest for a bit and plus I have to prepare for your visit in the next couple of days" Seungmin sat down in their living room and I could hear everyone call my name.

"Hey everyone! I miss you guys and can't wait to come see you guys" everyone tried getting into the camera so I could see them and Seungmin at his phone up to where I could see everyone.

"Rose I have our call screen casted to the tv so now everyone can see you, I got my phone on the phone stand you got me last year. Can you see us all?" I look at everyone and just nod while giving them all a smile.

"How long are you staying in Seoul for?" Chan asked as they all agreed on his question.

"I think I'll stay for a whole week because Ryan wants to come with me and he wants to see all my favorite places I use to go to all the time. I figured I'd let him hang around you guys and we all go to our different hangout spots and just have a good time, I also have to let him meet my parents and my sister because they wanna meet him." I looked around again to see if I could see Ryan anywhere and I could see him and his old friends far away from me but they were visible.

"Alright, hey did you ever tell him about your birthday on Thursday?" Han said and when I looked back up from the phone I seen they were starting to get closer.

"No and I don't want him to know about my birthday because he's done enough for me and he's going to want to do something for me." The boys looked like they weren't going to agree with me any time soon but they couldn't tell Ryan about my birthday because he is going to want to throw a party and then get me something and he doesn't have to do that for me.

"I gotta go guys Ryan is coming over here and I need to ask him some questions so I'll call you later or whenever I can." I wave to the boys and we say our byes and we hang up and when Ryan finally walks over to me he looks exhausted and I just grab my bags and walk past him and to the car, he unlocks it and I get in putting my bags at my feet and looking out the window.

"Sorry I'm late..." I slowly watch as his old friends walked back inside Michaels but they looked a lot less nicer than before. I turned and looked over at Ryan and he wouldn't even look at me, he starred at the Rode as he started to drive us back to the studio but I had so many questions to ask him on why he was gone for so long.

"Ryan... where did you go with them? why were you gone for so long?" I kept looking at him and I seen him tighten his grip on the steering wheel.

"Look if you ever run into those guys just ignore them and just keep walking, if you're ever alone just do it. If I'm with you or any of the other guys are with you then you don't have to do that because then they can't do anything with you because I won't let them! they are not very right in their minds and you just need to stay away from them." Ryan pulled into the studio and when he got out of the car he opened my door and helped get my bags filled with different things to decorate my studio with.

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