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Rose's POV:

"She should be alright for now but if she starts to act strange in the next couple of weeks then I want her to come straight back here so I can take another look at her. I wanna make sure she gets a check up next week so on your way out the nurse that was in here will make you an appointment for next Wednesday." I finally woke up after passing out in the ambulance and my sight was still a little fuzzy and I felt really dizzy and my head was pounding, I tried sitting up and when I looked over the doctor was leaving and Ryan was walking over to me.

"Hey your finally awake... the doctor said you have a pretty bad concussion but he said in a couple weeks you should be feeling better. He says you shouldn't drive alone and you should object yourself to any really bright lights, there will be times were you will get dizzy and feel out of place but other than that he said you should be ok to go home." Ryan helped me out of bed and I felt weird trying to stand there with him holding me, I was dizzy and I felt like I was going to collapse because my legs felt so weak.

"What happened when we fell?" I tried getting my balance and started walking slowly on my own as we walk into the hall way and meet the nurses.

"Well when Oliver punched me you were behind me so when I flew back you were knocked down with me and you slammed your head on the cement. You were sleeping for three hours, after we got into the ambulance you answered the paramedics questions and then passed out and they couldn't wake you up but you were still breathing. You gave everyone a scare but they all went home after about an hour and a half of being here, some of the guys are really busy with work and plus Darren's friend Char is coming back so he's picking her up right now. Oliver wanted me to give you this after he left the hospital he said he's sorry you got hurt and he takes all the blame for it." Ryan handed me the paper Oliver wrote on and Ryan started talking to the nurses about an appointment for next week for my check up, I starred at the paper and didn't even open it.

"Thanks miss... come on Rose I'm taking you home for the day... you're not going to read that are you?" I look at Ryan and then back at the paper. As we started walking I see a trash can and throw Oli's note in the trash not even reading whatever it is that he had to say, I was angry and annoyed at Oliver and didn't care anymore. 

"Ryan can I ask you something?" Ryan and I walked into the elevator and he stood close to me in case I fell and got hurt again.

"Sure... is everything ok?" Ryan keeps his head forward as we go down to the lobby and I felt weird even being alone with him in such a small space.

"Everything is alright... I just wanted to ask if maybe you wanted to spend the night with me? I know it sounds weird of me to ask you of such a silly thing but I-"

"No it's ok I'd love to spend the night with you... I need a break from Oliver and even when he was here visiting you I wasn't to happy and wanted to hurt him for punching me. I was more worried about you though so I just kept my cool so that way I wasn't getting kicked out of the hospital for fighting and making a scene." Ryan interrupts me and the elevator door opens and we walk outside and to the car, I felt a smile wanting to pop up on my face but I just held it in the best I could. Why was I so happy about my friend staying with my? what is going on?! Ryan whatever you are doing to me is driving me crazy! but it's like I want more of it but why? what is so different about this guy that I can't wrap my finger around it.

"I'm going to make a small trip to the store before I take you home and then we are going to stop by the NSB house so I can pack some clothes. How long do you want me to stay over for?" I didn't really want him to even leave but I knew he was needed at the NSB house, so even though he kept me company and makes me feel emotion I have to let him go home eventually.

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