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Rose's POV:

Last night was the best night of my life, everyone I loved and wanted there was there my girls came back home to come see me for the week and now we can spend time together. "Morning sis... mom and dad have been looking for you all morning! you should probably get up and ready for the day because they have something special planned for you." Alice walked in and I had just finally opened my eyes for the first time this morning and I just threw my pillow at her for being loud at nine in the morning.

"I'll be down in a little bit just give me a second to get dressed and do something with my hair and then get Ryan up if he isn't already." I look over to the side of my bed on the floor where Ryan was sleeping and he was still knocked out, I gently shake him and call his name nicely so I don't startle him and he slowly wakes up.

"Morning sunshine" Ryan turns over and I just smile at him, I get off my bed and help him get off the floor and he goes to the bathroom to get dressed while I stay in my room and change. I quickly do my makeup and put my hair in a side braid and go down stairs, mom was sitting on the couch listening to BlackPink music and Jennie, Lisa and Jisoo were sitting at the kitchen table talking to Seungmin and Jeongin.

"Morning everyone" I waved to everyone and joined the girls at the table waiting for Ryan to come down.

"Hey baby girl, how'd you sleep?" Lisa asked as I sat next to Seungmin and Jeongin.

"I slept alright last night... I was on cloud nine when I seen all you guys so it was hard to fall asleep at first." We all started talking about what happened between Ryan and I, I had almost forgot I told Ryan I loved him but it was the heat of the moment and I was so excited that it just slipped out and now I'm confused about my emotions.

Ryan's POV:

I walk down stairs to join everyone else and all of a sudden I hear my name and stop close to the bottom of the stairs so no one could see me.

"Ryan and I have been sorta friends when I was dating Oli... but after Oliver and I broke up we've been getting closer and he's helped me through a lot this past month. I think Ryan is a good person no matter what people think about him... I've seen the real Ryan and I like how he's funny and super nice to me. Ryan thinks about how I feel about certain things and he helps me when I need someone to be there for me, Ryan has never been one to really be mean unless he was protecting me. I don't really know how I feel about Ryan... I think I'm starting to fall in love with him but at the same time another part of me is just wondering if that's just me thinking about him as more than a friend or maybe it's as family. I wanna know Ryan more and spend more time with him because every second I'm with Ryan I feel like time just stops and he makes me feel special even when I feel like I'm not." I sit down on the stairs and just listen to Rose talk about me and it's making my heart race and my smile grow by the minute, Rose doesn't know the real me she thinks she does because the person I am in front of her is the person I want her to think is the real me. I'm dangerous and not good for her because of my past and it's just not right to let her go through all of that.

"Well what happened to you and Oliver?" I heard one of the girls ask Rose and it sounded like that Lisa girl because she had an Australian accent whenever she spoke just like how Rose does.

"Oliver has been trying to cheat one me every time he gets drunk and there are girls around... Ryan and his friends and myself went to New York. While we were in New York Seungmin and these guys were there as well so the next day that we were there I met up with them while Oliver and his boys went to film videos and meet up with the stars. Seungmin and the guys ended up meeting Oliver and the other North Star boys and of course Oliver is possessive so he wasn't happy I was with them so he started calling the my boys names and was getting in their faces. Oliver went to go punch Jeongin but I jumped in front of him and Oliver ended up hitting me instead... later on that day I decided to stay with Seungmin and Han for a bit. Well Oliver decided to go get drunk, the boys left late at night while I was sleeping but when I woke up I went to go find them and seen they were with Oliver. Oliver said that I was screwing Seungmin and the others and I had been cheating on him and he called the boys Kpop freaks so I punched him a few times and then told him we were over and then left. Got on a flight home the next morning and ever since then I've been at my new apartment away from Oliver and with Ryan for the most part, I know it's just now starting to become a month since we broke up but I like Ryan. I don't know in what type of way just yet but I'm starting to think I'm actually falling for him... is that wrong of me to do that? I know it's kind of fast to get over someone I was with for four years but still." I could tell in Rose's voice she was kind of uncomfortable and was unaware of the feelings she had and even with her vocalizing it I couldn't believe she actually said all those nice things about me.

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