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Rose's POV:

"I love you Rose... be mine for real this time... please be my girlfriend?" when Ryan pulled his face away from mine my heart fell into my stomach.

"Yes" I look into his eyes and my heart races not realizing what I just said, I had no time to think about it before my mouth just opened up and said what my heart wanted.

"Really?!" Ryan looked at me with pure excitement and happiness and I just smiled back at him giving him a nod to assure him of my answer. I didn't know what to think or even say other than yes but I know what my heart wants even if my head tells me this isn't right for me to be dating my ex's best friend but my heart is more important than my head.

"Let's go inside it's getting cold out here" Ryan grabs my hand and brings me back inside and as soon as we sit down everyone starts smiling and pestering us.

"Are you two together now?!" Lisa asked all excited in her seat and everyone else leaned forward a little to hear us clearly.

"Yes we are together" I smiled as the words rolled of my lips with such ease but apart of my felt like what I was doing was wrong but it was just my head.

"I'm so happy for you Rose and you as well Ryan but now that you guys are here lets eat our food and then go back home so we can plan out her birthday." Dad spoke up and everyone stared eating the food the owners brought to the table while I was outside, a half hour later we are back at home and I'm in my room face timing the boys while Ryan and the others were downstairs talking about what to do for my birthday.

"How's Ryan fitting in there?" Justin asked as he grabbed up Milo.

"He's doing better than I thought he would, he gets a little out of place here and there but other than that he's doing great. Everyone here likes Ryan and are getting along so well with him and it makes me so happy that he fits in so well here, I wish you guys were here though because my birthday is on Thursday and I wanted to spend it with you all and my family and everyone else who are here." I sat my phone on my phone stand and noticed even Oliver was listening to me and he had a girl sitting on his lap.

"We're happy he's fitting in there and we're sorry we can't make it for your birthday... we have a lot to do here in L.A but we will celebrate when you get back." Regie smiled and all the guys agreed with him, I felt so weird not having them in the same room with me but it was nice to be home and away from Oliver for awhile.

"Where is everyone by the way?" Seb looks around the camera.

"Everyone's downstairs talking about what to do for my birthday, Ryan ended up finding out from everyone that my birthday's on Thursday." All the guys were giggling and seemed distracted but present in the call, I figured they were really busy but it was nice talking to them even though it isn't in person.

"I'll let you guys get back to work and I'm gonna go downstairs to check on everyone and I'll text you all later, love you guys bye." I waved to the boys and hung up leaving the room and going downstairs to see everyone laughing and enjoying themselves and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my best friends and my boyfriend getting along.

"Hey guys... what are we talking about?" I walk over to Ryan and sit next to him wrapping my arms around him.

"Lisa and Jisoo were telling me about how they met you and how funny and goofy you were, I asked about how you all came to be friends." Ryan looked down at me and smiled wrapping his arms around me as well and kissing my head, I hated everyone telling stories about my past because I was a total dork when we were trainee's.

"Rose was always so cheerful and she just shined like a shooting star and we knew right then and there we wanted her with us because of how her energy was. Ever since that day we have come to love her even more than what we already do" Jisoo smiled and gave me heart fingers and I did the same, I loved my girls more than anything in this world.

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