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Rose's POV:

I was walking to my car before I gave Ava and Grace one last hug before giving Mrs. Nguyen a quick hug. "Make sure after the wedding and your honey moon is over that you and Ryan find some time to come visit us in Minnesota so that way we can hang out some more, also if you happen to have children you should always bring them." Mrs. Nguyen nudged me hinting to me that she wants grandchildren but I wasn't how to feel about the idea of being pregnant since I just lost my unborn child who I didn't even know existed.

"Of course... I have to get going, I have to go meet my boys at the airport" I got in my car and Mrs. Nguyen leaned down and rested her arms on my open window.

"Where are they going when the wedding is coming up?" she looked a little shocked about the boys leaving in such a short period of time.

"Well... Stray Kids Maniac tour is still going on and they were just here for awhile doing their show appearances and they had some photoshoots. They did there three day concert here and now they are off the Japan for the three day concert there and then I think Chan said they are going to do their concert in Thailand and then they will come straight back here. I know my boys and they will be back in time for the wedding... they would never miss a big moment like this" I smiled at her and she got off my car and walked to her own.

"Well, have a nice day and say goodbye and good luck at their concerts" I nodded and drove off seeing her get in her car and going a different way. I drove as quick as I could and as soon as I got to the airport I ran right to their gate and seen them standing there about to go into the gate passage and into the plane.

"Guy!" I called out and they all turned to look at me and their smiles brightened up and I ran straight to them giving Chan a big hug since he was the first person I could get to.

"You made it? we thought you were going to take a lot longer in the dress shop so we didn't wait for you to come see us off." Minho said as I went in to hug him, all the boys agreed with him but I could never miss a chance to see them off even if it makes me cry every time I see them leave because I know that every time they leave I won't see them for awhile and I hate it.

"I wanted to see you guys off... it's always something I've done whether it was in Seoul or here, I've never missed one day of being able to see you off whenever I'm with you guys." I hugged Hyunjin and the rest of them and they all started to tear up some and it made me worried because I didn't understand what seemed to be troubling them.

"Rose... I can't believe your going to be married soon, I always thought you would be our girl forever but now you belong to someone else." Seungmin whipped his tears and hugged me tightly and of course the others surrounded us and we had a group hug like always, I hated this part because it always meant they were leaving.

"I'll miss you guys... I'll watch the concerts online and I'll call you guys when your off stage and don't forget to call when you're getting ready for it." The guys let me go and they all agreed and promised me that they would call before and after the concert, I was excited to see my boys shine on stage like they always do but I was going to miss them.

"We'll be back on time for the wedding and the rehearsals we love you" everyone waved to me and went into the passage to the plane and I was standing there with a blank face but tears streaming down my face. I started making my way to the car when I saw Ryan standing there against my car waiting for me, I smiled and whipped the tears from my face so that way he wouldn't worry about me and I just wrapped my arms around him.

"Everything ok babe?" I nodded and looked up at him giving him a faint smile.

"I already miss them..." Ryan hugged me a little tighter and just let me cry into his chest, I felt so weird crying in public but I couldn't stop.

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