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Ryan's POV:

Today was the day, the day Rose and I become parents "Ryan you gotta drive a little quicker dude!" Seungmin was in the back seat with Rose trying to keep her calm. Felix was in the passenger seat trying to direct me to the nearest hospital and I start speeding quicker than before and we get closer to the hospital.

"Hold on babe we're almost there" I see the hospital and turn as careful as I pull up to the door and I have Felix run inside.

"Seungmin help me get her out of the car" I run over and open the door and we start helping her out of the car and gently rush her into the building and they put her in a wheel chair and rushed her to the delivery room.

"Who's the father?" the nurse asked in a hurry as all of us ran with her.

"I am!" the nurse motioned me to follow her but for Felix and Seungmin to stay behind, I run behind the nurse and we go into the room where they were already had a doctor waiting for us.

"Alright let's get Mrs. Nguyen up on the bed and get these babies delivered" the nurse and I helped Rose onto the bed and the doctor starts taking her pants off and the nurse changes her into a hospital gown instead of her being in the leggings and dress.

"Alright I need the father to keep the mother calm and to hold her hand, she is fully dilated! we need to get moving." The doctor started having Rose push for awhile but nothing was happening and it started scaring me because the doctor seemed concerned and called for an emergency C-section and they rushed some tools inside and had Rose sit up but something seemed off about her, Rose was pale and seemed so exhausted.

"Ok Rose this is a shot to numb you from the stomach down so we only have but a few seconds to get you to fully lay down before your body is numb." Rose squeezed my hand harder than she was and they gave her the shot and I could see it hurt her pretty bad but she laid down as quick as she could and I let go of her hand to put scrubs, a mask and gloves and hat on since it was protocell for stuff like this.

"Ok try to move your leg" Rose tried to move her leg but it wasn't moving and the doctor started the C-section seeing it was alright now that she wasn't going to feel nothing but a little pressure.

"Ryan if something happens just know I love you" I looked into Rose's eyes and I knew what she was trying to tell me and my heart started racing out of my chest.

"Stop talking like that I love you and these kids are going to be ok just like you will be" I look up at the doctor and he started getting deeper in and reached one of the babies pulling one of them out.

"It's a boy!" the doctor handed one of the nurses Dan-Bi and cleaned him up while the doctor looked like he was struggling to get Yingyue out.

"What's going on?" I see Rose's monitors starting to sound different but I knew it was a bad different and Rose started looking off.

"We're losing them! nurse come over here and help me!" the nurse rushes over to the doctors side and she opens Rose's stomach a little more and the doctor grabs Yingyue out. The nurse took Yingyue to the sink and started to wash her off and the doctor started stitching up Rose's stomach and started checking her vitals.

"Rose can you hear me?" Rose looks over at the doctor and she nods at him and then slowly looks back at me.

"Is Yingyue ok?" Rose says quietly and I just smile and nod hearing both of the babies crying as they were getting wrapped up. The nurse brought the Dan-Bi and Yingyue over to us and we both held one of them starring into the eyes of our children, Yingyue had Rose's eyes and her nose but Dan-bi looked a lot like his mother but Yingyue looked more like me.

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