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Ryan's POV:

There I was standing in front of Jared, Mateo and the one I hated the most Lucas. I had nowhere else I wanted to be other than where my Rose was but I now that I truly knew it was these three who killed her child and hurt her now I needed to finish this fully.

"Listen here you bastards! I am not going to let you hurt her again and this isn't my fault! is anything it is yours for not moving on. I was with you guys in the past and I got my exit ticket the day I got my ass kicked until I was almost dead! you guys and the boss just can't get over the fact that I am living a normal life and have people who can stand to be around me no matter what my past was." I gave all three of them a death glare and of course it didn't work on them but I knew something was wrong and I needed to be careful and make sure I didn't get myself killed or hurt. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and called the police hoping they would hear the boys talk about what they did.

"Ryan we were trying to show you that you are still apart of us even if you still got your exit you are still apart of us and there is nothing you can do about it. That Rose girl is what is holding you back! we seen how soft you've gotten and it's all because of her! so we decided we would end her life but unfortunately someone found us with a gun. We had our faces covered and we needed to hurry and take the shot so Mateo missed her head and shot her in the back and then we ran so that way no one would catch us and we were almost caught but thanks to Jared's fast driving we were out of there faster than I thought." I looked at them with pure hate and just stood there hoping the police heard every word.

"So basically you shot my girlfriend and then came to this place to hide from the police and from me?! this is wrong Lucas, Jared and Mateo and you three know that." I said loud enough for the cops to hear so they could run the names and track my location but what the boys didn't know was I had an ear bud in and I could hear what the police were saying.

"We found your location we're on our way! we will be there in five minutes keep them distracted!" The cops said as he hung up the phone. I knew I could distract them for that long so I walked closer to them and they pulled their guns out on me when I started getting a little to close to them, if anything the boys knew what I was capable of doing and that's why they pulled their guns out.

"You guys need to leave that gang! you guys ride cool vehicles and get whatever girls you want and even now you are starting to sell drugs because the last time I seen you I seen the drug bag sticking out of Jared's pocket along with a big stack of cash. I stopped being a part of that group because I seen where it was going and I wasn't about to stay for the dangerous bullshit our 'great boss' was going to do with us." The boys lowered their guns except for Lucas and I just starred at him with anger and hate that a blind person could even see but there was nothing I could do because I didn't have a weapon and the cops were getting close.

"FREEZE! DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" I watched all three boys drop their guns and put their hands up, I turned around and seen four cops standing behind me. They kept their guns pointed on the boys and ran up to them taking the gun away and handcuffing all three of them, the fourth cop walked up to me with the guns in his hands and pulled me aside.

"Are you the one who called us?" I nodded at his question and looked over at the guys as I watched them get thrown into the car.

"Thanks for calling us and playing it cool... we've been looking for these three for a hot minute now, they killed a guy by cutting his throat close by Michaels a while ago. We couldn't find them but now thanks to you we found them and they are going away for a very long time, by the way what were you saying about some girl being shot?" I looked at the cops and felt a tear fall from my face.

"My girlfriend... They shot her in the back and it killed her unborn child and she got really hurt because they were trying to shoot her in the head but someone noticed them with a gun and accidentally shot her back instead of her head. I use to know these three... we were friends in the past and they are part of a gang called Enhypen and they are very dangerous" the officer thanked me for the tips I gave him and offered me a ride back home and I took it except I asked him to take me to the nearest bus station. I wanted to make sure the guys didn't know where I lived or what hospital she was in, I had to do everything I could to keep her and my boys safe from that douchebag Kyle, the boss of the Enhypen gang I use to be in. After the officer dropped me off I ran all the way to the hospital and bought Rose a couple stuffed animals and some flowers and I went straight to her room.

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