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Rose's POV:

I woke up at noon and started getting ready quickly, I felt like my eyes weighed a million pounds because I had cried so much last night. I told Ryan everything about the girls and I splitting up and he's the only one who knows but why him? I felt comfortable telling him so it just came out and I told him everything. He told me he loved me and I just stood up in shock and just told him I was tired and went to bed without knowing which type of love he was talking about and I felt so lost when I went to my room last night.

"I must be losing it! ughhh... what is wrong with me?" I grabbed my suitcase and went to the living room and seen Ryan was up and ready to leave.

"We're going to NSB house first and the leaving around 1:30 right?" Ryan asked as soon as he seen me walk out and I just nodded grabbing Milo's things I packed up last night.

"Let's go" I said as Ryan got up and we went to the car and drove to the NSB house, when we walked inside Milo was with Regie and they all were in the living room watching movies.

"Hey guys we're here with the rest of Milo's stuff" I walked into the kitchen and set all his food stuff by his dishes that we left over here for him.

"I have his puppy pads if you guys need some while we're away and don't forget to give him one of his puppy heart treats once a day." I gave Tyler his health treats and his normal treats and we all joined the others in the living room, we sat and talked about what Ryan and I were going to do when we got to Seoul.

"I plan on taking Ryan to Stray Kids dorm and we will go hang with them for a couple hours tomorrow... we're staying at my parents house for the week. Dad and mom insisted we stayed at the house instead on us staying at the dorms with Seungmin and the boys so my parents planned some stuff for us to do while we're there." Ryan sat down on the chair next to me and pulled me down onto his lap and he wrapped his arms around me while we talked and to be honest that made me nervous and had my heart racing.

"So you guys leave in a couple of hours... let's do something fun and spend the last couple of hours we have together and then we will drop you guys off at the airport." Seb suggested and we all agreed, we all agreed on going to get Boba and then to the mall. We drove to the Boba shop and we ordered our usual drinks and then drove to the mall and started to walk around looking at different stores in the mall.

"Rose are you getting anything?" Ryan asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and walked beside me and Regie.

"Yes... I wanna get my mother and father and my older sister something along with Seungmin and the boys but because there's so many of them I'm just going to get something small so I can fit it in my bags." I saw this girly store I had never been in before and I go in right away and see the perfect gift for my sister and mother, they both have always wanted to visit bed bath and body works but they never were able to when we lived in Australia or even here in L.A and Seoul doesn't have a mall with this store in it.

"Mom would love these soaps... Alice has always wanted these round candle holders and it's got little diamonds on them." I picked up a few soap bottles of my mothers favorite scents and a couple of the diamond designed candle holders for my big sister Alice and when I go up to the cash register Ryan walks in front of me and pays for my mother and sisters gifts I was going to get them.

"Thanks Ry but your don't have to do that for me I could have payed for it" Ryan looks over at me as he finishes paying for the soaps and candle holders.

"It's fine... you my girlfriend so of course I'll buy anything you want even if it's for your friends and family" Ryan puts the gifts in the bag and we go catch up with the others.

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