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Ryan's POV:


Blood splattered everywhere and when I looked down at Rose she collapsed to the ground and her stomach was bleeding. "ROSE!!!" I fell to the ground and picked her up trying to look for a place to hide us both and when I seen a small building I picked her up and I moved her and myself to it hiding us behind a counter and calling 911.

"Hello 911, what's your emergence?" I had tears streaming down my face as I seen Rose laying in my arms half in and half out.

"I need an ambulance! my girlfriend got shot but I didn't see who shot her, were in the park about two miles away from the mall. Please help us she isn't breathing very well right now" I was panicked and I felt alone even though the lady was talking to me over the phone but the girl I loved just got shot and isn't breathing barely.

"Alright sir please tell me where her gun shot wound is?"

"It's in her back but she's bleeding on her stomach as well" I lifted her dress up a little and noticed she had shorts on so I was able to look at her stomach and sure enough the bullet went right through her because there was her exit wound.

"She has an exit wound so I don't think the bullet is still in there but she's losing a lot of blood and she keeps trying to close her eyes." The lady over the phone told me to try to keep Rose wake until the ambulance got here so they could take care of her, I just wanted to rewind the clock and be able to see the gun shot coming so I could have taken it instead of her.

"The ambulance is here sir so stay calm and tell them the information on your girlfriend... I hope she will be ok." With that the lady hung up and the cops barged in with the medics and the took Rose and me into the ambulance while the cops tried looking for the shooter, I had a bad feeling about why all the sudden someone was here at the exact moment we were here. I also found it strange that Rose was possibly their target and I know Rose she doesn't do anything to piss bad people off but with my past that shot could have been for me but they must had aimed wrong and accidentally shot Rose instead of me.

"What is her name and how old is she?" the medic asked and I snapped out of my head and looked at him and back at Rose.

"Her name is Rose and she just turned 21" I grabbed her hand as they started treating her wound the best they could and they started checking to see if she was awake. It took us ten minutes until we finally reached the hospital and they rushed her into the emergence room and the doctors examined to make sure the bullet wasn't still in there even though there was an exit wound. I was forced to stay out in the waiting room since I wasn't family and hated it because I wanted to be by her side more than anything, I waited for two hours and even called the boys to come up here and they waited for me. Oliver and I argued and almost started fighting but because of the nurses telling us we were going to get kicked out if we continued I was the one to end the argument because I knew Oliver wasn't going to.

"How long is she going to be in there for? it was just a gun shot wound right? they only have to search for the bullet and if it was still in there then they would need to pull it out. My thing is though my uncle was shot and it only took twenty to thirty minutes for them to take the bullet out and for them to give him his stitches." Sebastian stated but it made me worried because if that was true then there must have been something else wrong with her for her to be in there for her to be in there for so long.

"She's going to be fine Ry... just try not to worry to much" Justin and Regie were trying to comfort me but I couldn't stay calm knowing my girlfriends could die or be seriously hurt.

"Rose Park friends and family?" I stood up seeing the doctor who took care of her and we all walked over to him in worry but hope.

"How is she Doctor?" Justin asked since I had no words to even ask if she was ok or not.

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