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Rose's POV:

"Thanks for letting me stay in you hotel room guys" I went on the top floor where Seungmin and the boys were staying and it turns out they were on the floor above us. After Oliver accidentally punched me instead of Jeongin I decided to switch rooms and let him think about how ridiculous he was being.

"No problem Rose, I know you said your boyfriend wasn't to ok with you hanging around and talking to guys unless it was with us but why did he act like that once he met us? he's a jerk." Han said as he sat on the bed opening his water bottle and taking a sip out of it, I was rooming with Han and Seungmin for the next couple of night until Oliver started acting right.

"I'm sorry guys... I wanted you all to meet because you guys are all so much alike but I wasn't expecting Oliver to act like that and do what he did. I wanted you all to get along and be good friends with NSB and most importantly my boyfriend that I've been with for over four years, this was going to be a great thing and unfortunately my boyfriend acted like an ass. I love him very much but if he does this again then maybe we will have to take a break from each other... and put our relationship on hold until he can get himself together." I sit on Seungmins bed and hug my knees hiding my face with the ice pack on my cheek and I start feeling the tears fall down my face knowing Oli and the boys can't get along with one another, it was breaking my heart.

"Hey everything's going to be ok Rose, don't cry... I know we should have just ignored his comments and just walked away. This is our fault so don't blame yoursel-"

"No Seungmin this is my fault... I should have gotten you guys out of there and now we have issues going on. Oliver is always so loving and so sweet but whenever I get around other guys other than him and the boys he flips out and it's like I don't even know him anymore, it was alright when it was guys who were bothering me but not with my friends and fans. I spent most of my life not having Oliver's protection but ever since I moved to Seoul he has been more protective and then once we started dating he started acting even more protective. I loved how much he protected me and how possessive of me he was because it made me feel like he truly loves me." I let go of my legs and lay my head on Seungmins lap covering my face up with a blanket and just cried even harder feeling like everything I loved and everything I felt was breaking down, Oliver was my best friend and my boyfriend but knowing that he could lash out on my friends like this... I won't stand for it.

"Come on Rose it's been a long day and you've had a hard one so lets just sleep this off... calm down first and then lets go to sleep." Seungmin pet my head and tried to comfort me the best he could and I just felt crappy and like my boyfriend was an out of control asshole who doesn't deserve to be around the people I love.

"Good night you guys..." I laid down in Seungmins bed and he laid next to me but kept his distance, I started to fall asleep with tears falling down my face and then before I knew it I was fast asleep.

Ryan's POV:

I had been in the room with Oliver and Regie ever since the incident at the mall and everything is all fucked up. Oliver wasn't trying to punch Rose but she jumped in the way before his fist could hit that Jeongin guy, I had already checked in on Rose to make sure she was ok but no one would tell me anything other than she was alright.

"She's so annoying! always hanging around other guys! always smiling and having fun with other guys! I hate it so much." Oliver was pacing in circles talking shit about Stray Kids and Rose but he was more pissed off than when we were at the mall, ever since I met Rose I've noticed a pattern between the two. If Rose even so much as says hi to a guy Oliver gets upset and then he goes off on the guy, when we were back at the house he would ignore her and act like she was back in Seoul and he would leave without checking in on her or even look at her. He would go out and say he was going to a meeting but he was out with Tyler and some times Seb getting drunk and talking to girls. Sebastian was the only one to not get drunk seeing as how he is only nineteen and he is also the one who makes sure Oliver doesn't try anything with another girl and end up sleeping with someone else because that's almost happened a lot.

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