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Rose's POV:

"Rose I'm here can you let us in?" I heard Ryan's voice and ran up to the door, I opened it and seen Justin and Seb with him and they had baskets and food in their hands.

"We brought you some stuff for your new place and some stuff for you to snack on" It's been a week since the big end between Oliver and I's relationship. I have gotten a little better but I also have been spending a lot of time with Ryan and Justin, they are so different from everyone else and it's so amazing because they are so sweet.

"Thanks guys for the stuff... by the way I wanted to ask how is everyone?" I helped them put things away and we all sat at the counter seats.

"Everyone is doing alright... except for Oliver he still is trying to work on himself after the whole break up and everything. He wants to go to Florida to see our parents and brothers but at the same time he wants to stay here in L.A so that way you will let him apologize for everything that went on in New York." Seb explained everything that has been going on for the past week and it seemed as if Oliver was hurt about the things I said and did to him but he knows I'm way more hurt because of the things he said and did to me.

"Look I will hear him out but on my own time... I still am upset with him but I know I can't ignore him forever and I might as well listen to what he has to say. I will never go back to dating him... I don't even thing I can be friends with him at this point but tomorrow I will come over and I will listen to what he has to say. I'll keep my distance from him and I'll probably have one of you stay in the room with us but other than that please don't get involved with whatever goes on unless I ask you to." The boys promised me and we spent the whole day hanging out and watching different movies as they helped me build my furniture and helping me set it in the places I thought it looked good in. Hours go by and Justin and Seb left to go back home and deal with their social media work, Ryan stayed to keep me company like he usually does this whole time I've had this place.

"Thanks for everything Ry... it means a lot to me what you all have been doing for me, I know Oliver is your friend and you guys don't know me as much but I still feel like you guys are my close friends." I gave Ryan a hug and we go sit on the new couch they just put together for me.

"Listen Rose... even though Oliver is my friend I still will always be on your side, I will not let anything happen to you ever again." Ryan came closer and made me look at him, I felt my heart start to race and I felt different about Ryan and I didn't understand what was going on between the two of us. He is very nice to me but towards every girl we stop and talk to he acts different to them, I feel like there is just something different about Ryan ever since I met him and to be honest that's what I always liked about him.

"Ryan can I ask you something?" I felt nervous and didn't know what to think or feel about the question I was about to ask him.

"Sure what's up?"

"Why do you... always act a lot more nicer to me than other girls?" I started playing with my hand and I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"Well... I don't know I think it's just because I've spent so much time with you that I'm just that comfortable with you. Ever since I was a kid girls always picked on me for being an unhappy weirdo who never smiled or hung out with other people around me but as I got older it got worse. When I met you it was like I was just comfortable with you and it's like you helped me come out of my shell, I liked spending time with you and you were always so nice to me and listened to me so you are the very first girl I've actually been friends with. I'm so nice to you because I don't wanna lose you... I feel like I should always protect and make sure that no one hurts you no matter what happens." Just hearing his words and how sincere he was made my heart race even more and it felt so weird that it even was happening, what is it about you Ryan Nguyen that is making my heart shift in the way you've been making it shift? you're so strange.

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