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Rose's POV:

Last night was hectic but at the same time the best night of my life, Ryan and I got to meet with his family and at first they didn't care for me except for his sisters but then they got use to me except for his dad. When we got home I was happy that his mom gave me the time of day after I stood up for myself and proved myself to her, Ryan and I fooled around last night and it felt so nice to be more closer to him. I had gotten up for the day and I quietly left the apartment so I didn't wake Ryan up and I even left a little note on the counter for him so that way he wouldn't freak out about where I could have gone.

"Hey Seungmin" I called Seungmin as I got into my car and started driving to the Boba shop, I was meeting with him before I had to go to the dress shop with Ryan's mother and sisters.

"Hey babygirl, how did meeting Ryan family go?" Seungmin was already at the Boba shop but I had just escaped the apartment and was only a few minutes away from him.

"Ummm... well it went terrible at first but I proved myself to his mother... he has two sister which their names are Grace who is 18 and Ava who is 12 so yeah. Those two were the only ones who liked me at first because I was apart of BlackPink and they use to listen to our music so they already have heard about me. His parents thought I was some Kpop freak basically, his dad called me a gold digger and he was also apart of the Enhypen biker gang that Ryan use to be apart of but his dad is retired and still want Ryan to marry someone from another gang group but he refused because he loves me. I wanted to just snap more than what I did but I'm almost there so I'll tell you the rest when I get there, love you and see you in a minute" Seungmin and I hung up and I drove for five minutes and finally got there and of course Seungmin was waiting outside.

"Alright spill the beans" Seungmin said as he hugged me and held the door open for me, I just laughed and shook my head at him. We sat down and I ordered my drink and started telling Seungmin everything and the more I got into what all happened he looked shocked and a little irritated but it was understandable on why he felt that way because I'm like a little sister to him.

"I can't believe they treated you like that! that's so annoying and you're willing to meet up with his mother after she and her husband treated you like that? your crazy." Seungmin made a good point but at the same time she was the mother of my fiancé and I couldn't hate her or be pissed off at her forever so I needed to give her a chance like she did with me.

"Seungmin... she apologized for her and her husband and she even gave me a chance to explain who I am instead of continuing to judge me. I was happy so I decided I should give her a chance as well, she's Ryan's mother and I can't just be mad at her forever nor can I hate her because she is going to be my mother-in-law in two weeks so I had no choice." Seungmin just tapped his foot and kept his eyes locked on the window but I knew he was annoyed at Ryan's parents because of how they treated me.

"Rose you mean the world to me and I want the best for you because you're like family to me but this is ridiculous that they would even say things like that about you. This is your decision and I can't stop you but I will support you no matter what you decision may be because I love you and you're just a sister to me." Seungmin locked eyes with me and stood up and helping me out of my seat, I looked up at him and just smiled giving him a big hug like I always do Seungmin was understanding and that's why I loved him so much.

"Thanks Seungmin... I love you so much, thanks for always watching over me and being here for me I really appreciate it." When I let go of Seungmin he just had a big smile on his face and it was that smile that always got me to smile as well because Seungmin's happiness was always so contagious and I loved it so much, he was a great big brother.

"I gotta get going... the guys and myself are going to our photoshoot in a half hour so I gotta get back to the hotel." Seungmin gave me one more hug and he walked me out to my car and even opened the door for me, Seungmin was a sweet person and a gentlemen and by best friend who I would never stray away from.

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