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Ryan's POV:

It's been four days since Rose's birthday and it was a blast but I felt like I didn't belong there with those guys. My boys stayed the rest of the time that we were in Seoul and today was the day Rose had to say goodbye to everyone until the next time they can visit, for her family she wants to come back in a couple of months to come visit again since she doesn't visit often. "Rose honey... we're sad you're leaving us but we know you have things to do back in L.A but try to call more often and keep us updated on what's going on." Rose's mom had been crying all morning because she didn't want us to leave but I needed to get back with the boys and she had planning to do for her influencer job she was going to start.

"I promise I'll come around more now that I'm doing better" Rose said her final goodbyes to her older sister and her parents and hugged them goodbye as we walked out the door.

"We're going to miss you around here Rose" Rano had shown up as we were about to go to the cars and he hugged her which I wasn't to thrilled about. The night we went to the club for her birthday he danced with her and I which I was ok with but he kept getting to close to her and he touched her waist a few times and was being a bit much with her.

"Yeah I'm gonna miss everyone too but I have to go back home" she hugged him back and put her bags in the car and everyone got into their cars waiting for me and her to join them.

"I'll text you whenever I'm free... see ya Rose" Rano waved to her and smiled at her leaving us standing there. I grabbed her hand and got in the car with her behind me and made her sit with me so that way I could be with her more.

"Thanks for dropping us off at the airport... I'm gonna miss you Minho and same with you Felix and Seungmin" Rose had been talking to the boys the whole ride to the airport and kept her hand in mine. I stayed quiet because this was the last time she was going to be able to see the boys for a hot minute so I just let her talk to them and spend her last minutes with them.

"Your welcome... we all wanted to see you off while we were there since we aren't going to be able to text and facetime you as much for the next couple of months. We're finishing our tour off and then we have to do some interviews and our weekly Idol show we've been on a few times so our schedule is packed for the next three to four months." Felix explained to Rose their schedule and we arrived to the airport after about twenty minutes of driving, I could tell Rose was going to start getting upset because her body language changed and she loosened her grip on my hand. We walked inside and went to our gate waiting for my boys to give the ladies their tickets but Rose stayed back for a moment, she started crying and I just couldn't watch so I went to the lady who was taking our plane tickets and told her to wait for Rose to say goodbye..\

Rose's POV:

"I'm going to miss you guys... I wish I didn't have to go but I have so many things going on back in L.A that I need to do and you guys have the rest of your tour." I hugged everyone of the boys and my girls since they came to see me off as well.

"When we come to L.A in two months so we already have free tickets for you and if the boys wanna join you. Just focus on your influencer job your taking on and I know that you're going to do amazing, we'll call as much as we can" Seungmin said as he held on tight to me but the thing was I didn't wanna go back to L.A just yet because I loved this week being with everyone.

"I gotta go... I love you guys so much" I hugged my girls one last time and same with my boys and just walked to the ticket lady and went into the plane without looking back. I was crying and yet had a straight face, I didn't want them to see me with tears streaming down my face but I really wanted to stay but I have a new life in L.A I needed to focus on.

"You ok babe?" I sat in between Ryan and Sebastian and just nodded to Ryan looking at my phone as my big sister started texting me all the photos she took the whole week of us all together.

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