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Ryan's POV:

We had been doing our tender Omegle challenge for awhile and I noticed how upset Rose looked whenever a girl fawned over Oliver. I felt bad for her, I looked over and seen she looked depressed and got up leaving to go upstairs and I heard a door close and I knew she was hurt because of Oliver still joining in the tender game we were playing for the stars. I over heard him talking about it to Tyler and of course Rose was with him and she asked him not to join in on the game and Oliver told her that he wouldn't but ended up doing it anyways. "Alright guys we are done for the day so lets do our outro and then Oliver and Seb I need you guys to come out with me, we have to meet up with some people about our New York trip we are taking next week." Tyler has us all line up like we always do and we do our outro and I swipe the camera like usual and I watched as Oliver doesn't even go check on Rose and just send her a text saying he was leaving and won't be back for awhile and they leave the house leaving the rest of us.

"Does anyone else feel like Oliver just pulled a dick move or is it just me?" I asked everyone and they all looked at each other and then looked at me with confusion.

"Oh come on guys you don't think what he just did was fucked up? he joined in the tender game after he told Rose he wouldn't and then he walks out of the house sending her a text. He said he was leaving and won't be back for awhile and he didn't even go to check in on her when he had to of known how angry and hurt Rose was going to feel if he joined. He never lets her talk to other guys other than us and even with us he doesn't let her do much alone with her but it's ok for him to talk to all these different girls he doesn't know and lets his girlfriend stand alone." The guys realized it finally and they all agreed with me, Kane and Justin both looked pissed off at what I told them and they were very into what I was saying because they noticed it with me.

"I'm going to go check on her, Regie and Darren you guy start cooking the dinner we were supposed to cook." Everyone split up and started cleaning up the house and Darren went with Regie to the kitchen as I started to walk up the stairs and to Oliver and Rose's room, when I opened the door I seen Rose sitting on the couch writing in her book.

"You ok Rose? I wanted to come check on you sooner but you-"

"He left and didn't ask anything about if I was alright or where I may have went did he?" she interrupts me and I just nod as she looks up at me.

"Of course he did, I don't get it! ever since that guy talked to me at the Boba shop he's been acting harsh and cold to me. The only reason why I was talking to him was because he was a fan of mine from when I was with JYP and yet he can talk to all his girl fans all the time but I even so much as talk to any of my guy fans he freaks out on me." Rose put her book down and I walk over to her and sit down next to her giving her a side hug, I feel water falling on my shoulder as she rests her head on it.

"Hey Rose it's ok, everything is going to be ok" I held her close and felt crappy because there was nothing more I could do for her other than what I'm doing now.

"I'm sorry Ryan I shouldn't be crying over something as stupid as this" she sits up and wipes her tears from her eyes and her face. I tried to hold in my anger in that I had towards Oliver and I just started patting her head and comforting her since her own boyfriend wouldn't, ever since I met Rose she was always so sweet and nice to everyone. She was like an Angel that could never cry or get hurt and this was the first time I've seen her this upset and hurt and to be honest it was pissing me off and I don't even know why it was getting to me so much.

"He can be an asshole sometimes but everything will be alright, just talk to him when he gets home and hopefully you guys will be alright again." I say as I stand up and hold my hand out to her so that way I could help her up, she takes me hand and stands up following me downstairs and to the living room where everyone was blasting music and dancing around.

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