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Rose's POV:

"YOU BITCH!!" Sana walks over and slaps me across the face for no reason and all I see is red but I stay right next to Ryan.

"Why am I a bitch?! because I'm with my boyfriend?! you have Oliver what the hell are you calling me that for?!" I gripped Ryan's hand and squeezed it a little trying to distract myself from the anger she was causing me to have.

"Oliver is great in all but the person I like is Ryan! we use to be old friends when he was still in the gang and still hanging around all of us. I haven't seen him ever since and when I seen he had this whole new life and obviously a girlfriend I needed to find a way to get close to him again because I missed him so much and wanted him back in my life." I took a small step forwards hearing what she was saying but I also didn't understand what she was talking about when she said 'in the gang' I was confused.

"Stay away from Ryan and stay away from the boys! I may not like Oliver to much right now and may be still angry with him but he is still a person and no one should use someone to get to another person. You're a slut you just wants someone you can't have nor will never have because he's with me! I will not let go of him just because of some girl who claims she's someone she isn't." I knew I heard the name Sana before but I couldn't think of where I heard it from until a song hit in the background and the name clicked in my head and where it actually from, I wasn't shocked but I was ready to expose this liar.

"Don't tell me that I ain't who I am because and don't you call me a slut you fucking bitch! I loved Ryan and as for Oliver all he is good for is sex and that's it. He's always way to into the group and with his friends and I can't stand another minute of it because all of these guys are annoying except Ryan." I let go of Ryan's hand and started walking forwards until Ryan stopped me and when I looked back at him he looked concerned and worried about me but I just shoved his hand off and walked to her punching her in the face as hard as I could knocking her to the floor.

"They may not be able to hit you but I sure as hell will! don't you fucking talk about my boys like that or I will do more than just punch you! don't fucking test me. What's your real name bitch?!" she grabbed her face and looked at me and she looked like she was about to cry but I just had a pissed off face on and knew it was scaring her a little.

"It's Sana Minatozaki! I already told you" I rolled my eyes and just scoffed at her and when I looked into her eyes I gave her a death glare.

"Really because I know that name and I know it very well because of my boys here so do you really wanna play those games right now? your so dumb." I stood up and helped her up and just looked at her in discussed and irritation.

"This is the real Sana Minatozaki!" I pulled my phone out and showed a photo of the real Sana from the Kpop girl group Twice.

"You ain't really from Seoul are you?!" I got up in her face and yelled at her and she started crying and shook her head at me.

"I'm from Chicago and my real name is Lola Lavender... please just don't hit me again!" I rolled my eyes as she cried harder begging me not to hit her.

"Get out of my sight before I hit you again" I pushed her as hard as I could and she fell to the floor, getting up as quick as she could she ran away from us. I walked over to Ryan and grabbed his hand and just sat down by the tree and speaker we had out here with us.

"Did you know?" I asked as I stood at all the boys going back to enjoying their selves.

"Know what?" Ryan looked at me and I just kept my eyes on the guys not knowing how to feel about her and him knowing each other.

"About Lola... did you know her real name? and did you know she wasn't from Seoul like me? I finally sucked up my emotions and looked at him hoping he'd say he didn't know.

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