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Rose's POV:

"Will you marry me?" it was the second time he had asked in the last five minutes because I couldn't say anything and I was just speechless and didn't know how to react to this.

"I guess I should have waited for this a different time... sorry for asking" Ryan was about to get up off the floor but I stuttered and his eyes bolted to mine.

"Y-yes" I stuttered and I knelt down to his level kissing his lips like it was our first time, I felt my heart racing but I wanted the same thing he wanted. I was scared something like this was going to happen again so I just said yes because I do truly love Ryan and I do want to spend the rest of my life with him but if I were to die or if he were to die any day because of his past then I want to die knowing I was married to the love of my life.

"I love you so much Rose" Ryan out the ring on my finger and he wrapped his arms around me and just kissed me passionately like never before. I was free from the pain I felt inside at this moment and I just forgot about everything that had been troubling my thoughts and it felt amazing to be free and knowing he was why I was free from it all in this moment. But at the same time he was the reason why I was trapped in these thoughts in the first place but at least it was his past and not his present.

"We should go tell you boys and mine" Ryan said breaking our contact and helping me up off the floor, I nodded and just smiled at him as he unlocked the door and walked us into the living room.

"Excuse me everyone" all the boys were talking to each other and no one heard Ryan when he called and I just put a straight face on and took a deep breathe.

"Excuse me everyone!" I said with a loud-ish and serious tone and everyone look straight at me and looked worried that something was wrong with me.

"There is something important that Rose and I have to tell all of you so you all should sit down for this." Ryan said trying to keep his serious face on and everyone took their seats including my boys and Ryan and myself.

"Is everything ok between you two? or is something wrong with Rose?" Seb asked looking worried and everyone joined in with Seb.

"No nothing is wrong with Rose and everything is ok between the two of us... Rose do you want to tell them or do you want me to tell them?" Ryan looked at me and I looked back at him and then we starred at the boys.

"Together..." I said and we both took a deep breathe and smiled.

"We're getting married!" Ryan showed everyone the ring on my finger and they all were shocked but they all jumped out of their seats excited and happier than I've ever seen the NSB'S and the SKZ. The only person who wasn't to excited or happy about it was Oliver but it was understandable since I am his ex girlfriend and his ex baby momma.

"This is amazing! but don't you guys think it's a little soon? you've only been dating for a month and a few days and that's not including the time you were fake dating but if you wanna add that then two months and a couple days." Justin said as everyone stopped jumping and cheering and they all looked us and tilted their head in agreement.

"Yes it is super soon but there is a reason why we did this so soon and that is because when I got shot I almost died and if something like this happens again... then we don't want to be known as just boyfriend and girlfriend. I said yes because I wanna die knowing I'm Mrs. Nguyen... because what if we were to wait and one of us ends up dying before we even get a taste of what it's like to be together forever, I wanna marry him because I love him and will never leave his side even with knowing about his past." All the boys just smiled and started cheering again and they all roughly hugged Ryan and then gently hugged on me and we all wanted to celebrate but I couldn't move around to much since I was still healing a little more.

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