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Rose's POV:

"He called me a what?" I had been behind the boys when I seen them walking out of the club and my jaw and heart was on the floor. I woke up and see Han and Seungmin weren't there and it was almost two in the morning and when I checked their location on our friend locate app I seen there we're at this club so I decided to drive over and see what they were doing. The guys are never ones to go to clubs in the middle of the night so I knew something was wrong and I come here and hear all of this.

"YOU HEARD ME YOU BITCH! YOU'VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME WITH THESE DUMBASS LOOKING KPOP FREAKS!!!" my eyes widen and I walked closer to him and all I seen was red.

"Say that again! I don't think I fucking heard you!" I gave him a death glare and Oliver got up in my face while the other guys take a step back from me. Seungmin and the boys know that when I start cussing when I'm pissed off they know to step back and not interfere because shit was going to go down.

"Oliver step back a litt-" Ryan tried telling Oli to step back but Seungmin and the others interrupted him and made all the NSB's step back from me and Oliver.

"When she's like this it's better not to get in the middle nor get to close because you see a whole different Rose, it's like it isn't even the Rose we know and love." I heard Seungmin whispering to the boys trying to explain to them about how I am and trust me when I said I was getting pissed because not only did he call my friends Kpop freaks he called me names and accused me of something I would never do.

"YOU WANT ME TO SAY IT AGAIN SLUT!" Oliver screamed as he got forehead to forehead with me and I snapped on him not holding back what so ever.

"YEAH YOU LITTLE BITCH! SAY IT AGAIN YOU ASSHOLE! I MOTHER FUCKING DARE YOUR ASS TO DO IT!" Oliver gave me a death glare as I screamed at him.

"I SAID YOU HEARD ME YOU BITCH! YOU'VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME WITH THESE DUMBASS LOOKING KPOP FREAKS." I pushed Oliver away from me and punched him as hard as I could in the face and he fell to the ground spitting blood out of his mouth, I was so angry I didn't care what was going to happen to me.

"NOW YOU ASSHOLE APOLOGIZE TO MY FRIENDS RIGHT NOW!" I kneeled on the floor getting back up in his face and grabbing his shirt to keep him right where I wanted him.

"I will never fucking apologize to those freaks!" I got out of his face and punched him again and I felt tears falling down my face except I wasn't feeling sad because my anger masked the sadness.

"You're a fucking asshole Oliver Moy! I never once cheated on you with anyone because I have loved you since we were young and this is how you treat me. Everything I fucking did for you and all the times I came back to L.A just to visit you, you insulted my friends and not just them by calling them Kpop freaks but me as well because I was one of them. I sang and dance! I was a Kpop Idol and not only was I that but I was your girlfriend and your best friend... I know your drunk but this is low even for you! I hope you're happy because you just lost a girlfriend. You can go back to that hoe you were talking to in the club that you were trying to hook up with! don't ever talk to me again" I slapped him across the face and then stood up running back to my car with tears streaming down my face.

"Rose wait up!" I heard everyone except for Oliver's voice but I got in my car and drove away from that place and didn't stop for them all. After a couple minutes of driving everyone started calling me and blowing my phone up, I hit a red light and powered my phone off and heading back to the hotel and packing all my things up. I reached the hotel and ran up the stairs so that way I wouldn't run into any of the guys and just ran to Han and Seungmin's room and quickly packed everything up. When I went to leave the room I seen Ryan waiting in front of the door.

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