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Rose's POV:

I woke up in a room I've only seen a few times... Ryan's room but how did I get in here when the last thing I remember doing last night was playing video games with the boys.

"Morning sunshine" I look over and see Ryan walking into the room with a smile on his face, why was he so happy early this morning.

"Morning Ryan... hey how did I get in here last night?" I sat up and stretched as I stood up from the bed.

"I carried you to my room last night because you fell asleep waiting for your turn on the game, Oliver wanted to offer up his room but I just picked you up and brought you in here. I slept on the floor so don't worry I didn't sleep in the bed with you or anything" Ryan got into his closet and grabbed out some clothes and started changing his clothes in front of me.

"Ok! well thank you for letting me take the bed, you didn't have to do that but thank you and I believe I will be going now." I look down and leave the room in a hurry with my chest practically beating out of my chest, when I walk into the living room I see Seb, Oli, Kane and Regie all sitting there about to make tiktok's.

"Morning boys" I walk over and sit next to Kane and watch whatever he had on his phone and I thought his tiktok was cool.

"You should make one with me Rose, it would be so much fun for us and you would really like it" Kane stood up grabbing my hands and making me go to the middle of the room.

"Ok but I use to do this all the time with the girls when we were still together" Kane put on a song and we practiced the dance a couple of times. We started recording it and we nailed it the first try and it was a lot of fun dancing around with Kane and being able to make tiktok's again after so long of being off all social media plat forms.

"Rose what time is our flight tomorrow?" Ryan walks out of his room and has a whole new bag packed for the week.

"We leave at two o'clock in the afternoon and we should get there by seven or eight o'clock, Seungmin and Felix are going to pick us up from the airport since my parents can't." Ryan comes over and wraps his arm around me, he seemed so normal today but what about yesterday? why did he act so weird when those guys came around? it's all so confusing.

"You guys are able to watch Milo for the week right? I wanna make sure someone could watch him while Ryan and I are gone" Seb walks over and grabs Milo up from the couch he was laying on.

"Of course we can, I like having Milo here and so does everybody else so if they don't wanna take care of him then I will because I love this little guy." Seb smiled big and I was happy to know that Milo was going to be taken care of by someone I truly trust.

"Thanks guys but I have to get going back to my apartment because I still have some stuff I forgot to pack up and I have to pack Milo's things up to bring over here tomorrow morning." I hugged all the guys except for Oliver and left them, Ryan drove me home and as soon as I walked through the door I started packing up Milo's things and mine.

"You excited to go back home for the week?" Ryan sat down at the counter chairs while I kept packing things up.

"Yeah... mom and dad have been texting me all week about it and same with the boys but I also get to see Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo which is very exciting. Ever since we split up as a group we never see each other anymore we only message each other every now and then which sucks a lot but at least I can see them this week." I put all of Milo's things by the door for tomorrow morning when we drop his things off, I decided I would leave him with Sebastian for tonight since I had a lot to do.

"Well I can't wait to meet everyone and be able to spend time with you in your home town" I sat down for a minute and turned some music on and turned the volume low enough to hear it.

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