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Ryan's POV:

My parents and sisters walked out of the restaurant without my parents saying bye, I ran after them and stopped them before they got into their car leaving Rose inside. "What the hell is wrong with you?! all you've done is look at her with irritation and didn't even give her a fucking chance! is that how it's going to be?" my father turned around and slapped me across the face.

"I will not have a son who will marry a dumb Kpop Idol who is nothing more than probably a gold digger and who knows how many diseases she might have. Son listen to me she-" I interrupted my dad with a laugh and he just looked at me I was crazy but to be honest I was and it was because he drove me crazy.

"SHE IS GOING TO BE MY WIFE NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY OR THINK! Rose doesn't have any diseases and she is perfect for me! I don't care if you like her. I'm going to marry that girl so if you have an issue with me marrying her then you better get use to the thought of me and her being together because I promised her I would be by her side forever and always. Who gives a fuck that she was a Kpop Idol?! she was an amazing singer and dancer and the fact that you dogged her past work and the fact that you called her a gold digger was messed up. Do me a favor and stay out of my life if you can't find it in your heart to like her! because you can say or do what you want to make me call off the wedding but I won't do it. I love her and she loves me! but yet you can't even see that your only son is about to be married to the one person who makes him the most happy in his life and was the only good thing that has happened to him in a long time. You just don't like her because she comes from a different status! I will not marry some gangster girl who has a high status like me and the fact that you want me back into that life is even more messed up." I went to turn around when I seen Rose standing there with tears building up in her eyes and a blank look on her face but I could tell she was hurt by my fathers words and I just walked up to her grabbing her hand and walking her over to my family.

"This is it right here dad! she is my family now... Rose means everything to me and of course you probably couldn't care less but I care more than anything." I wrapped my arms around her and I seen she felt a little more comfortable with me being so close to her but I knew everything my father was saying hurt her pretty badly.

"Look son this girl is no good for-"

"I'm no good? I'm sorry that I may not meet up to your standards sir but with all do respect sir you aren't the greatest person yourself. You judged me before you got to know me and you didn't even take even an hour out of your day to try and understand where I come from and who the real Rose is. That to me Mr. Nguyen is a rude and a disrespectful person who doesn't deserve the time of day from the person who truly loves your son, to me sir you are a selfish disrespectful and rude person who needs to have a reality check. You're a grown man and yet you act like an elementary student and Ryan I apologize because I know this is your father and my soon to be father-in-law but I will not stand back and let him talk badly on my name nor yours." Rose never took her eyes off of my father but I liked seeing her stick up for herself and even for me because I knew that she wasn't one of those girls who fake cry or try to act like a helpless victim. This is one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you and it will never change a thing for me, I've known Rose since Oliver introduced us and she hasn't changed not one little bit.

"It's fine babe... dad look either you learn to like her or don't bother coming to the wedding! mom and the girls are welcome if they want but if you don't wanna like her then don't come." I looked my dad in his eyes and I know that he was hurt by that one sentence but I didn't care because he thinks Rose is a terrible person when she is the only good thing in my life along with my boys.

"Fine! then I guess I won't be coming to the wedding! let's go girls" I kept starring at him but I knew it was killing him inside to say those words. My dad was always one to want to be involved in everything that involved me but he seemed to really be putting up a big act just because Rose isn't a gangster princess and in a high ranking life style. I loved her for who she was and I loved that she followed her dream but my dad always had a problem with me not getting married to the people he arranged me to be with.

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