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Rose's POV:

It's been two weeks and my boys finally made it back to L.A three days before the wedding and tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner. I was nervous because Mrs. and Mr. Nguyen have called me to have lunch with them just me and them two, Mrs. Nguyen says that her husband wants to apologize and try to get along but I don't trust it not one bit.

"Babe I'm gonna go to lunch with your parents now... I'll see you in a little bit" I hugged Ryan and gave him a kiss on his lips before I started walking out the door.

"Princess I don't think you should go without me" I stopped before I closed the door and walked back into the apartment looking at him all concerned.

"Why? you know that if they pull anything I will be able to handle myself and even if your dad has something planned I'll be ready for it." I assured Ryan but he still looked uneasy and it made me feel guilty for leaving him here alone to worry about me the whole time I'll be gone but I needed to see what was going to happen between us three.

"I know my dad... he'd do anything in his power to hurt the ones I care about and that would include the guys. That's why I'm not so happy your going alone to go eat lunch and talk with him, my mom isn't someone I'm worried about because she texted me after you left to go to the airport to say bye to the guys two weeks ago. She said you were perfect for me and that she wants me to protect you with everything I got and of course I was going to do that anyways but still... my mom and I have secret ways to pass messages to one another and she has been giving me hints these past two weeks of what's going to happen." Ryan walked over to me and hugged me tight but I didn't know what to think or even say because none of it made sense to me because I've never lived a biker gangster life like him and his family.

"Ryan I have to do this... I need to know why he wants the wedding to be off" I gave him one last kiss and I left the building and started driving to the restaurant they were waiting at. I was nervous and didn't know what to think nor do but whatever was going to happen I needed to be calm cool and collected so they couldn't sense anything negative from me.

"Hello darling" as soon as I walk into the restaurant Mrs. Nguyen walked up to me giving me a big hug and I just put a smile on my face. I wanted to just be home but I needed to see how Mr. Nguyen was going to act around me, I needed to make it clear that I wasn't going to leave Ryan just because he hates me.

"Hello Ms. Park" Ryan's father walked up to us and bowed his head to show me some respect but I could see in his eyes he hated being here with me in front of him. We went to our seats and started talking about my past and they had questions about me but I wasn't letting my guard down, there were somethings I wasn't going to tell them in case they use it against me.

"So how many people have you dated before Ryan?" Mrs. Nguyen asked while she took a sip of her coffee that just arrived along with our food.

"Just one person... Oliver Moy and I were together for four years until we broke up" I started eating trying not to think about that night because it was just going to make me mad.

"How did you and Ryan come to be together?" Mr. Nguyen's tone in his voice sounded harsh and cold but he was like that ever since I met him a couple weeks ago.

"Well... when I was dating Oliver that's when he found Ryan and that's when NSB was formed so that's how I met him. I would come up every other month to see Oliver so I ended up meeting him two months after NSB was made. Over time I wasn't able to really grow to close with Ryan but we were just friends, after Oliver and I split up Ryan was there for me and he helped me get over Oliver and one thing led to another and we started falling for one another. So when we were in Seoul Ryan asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes because I loved him, after we had gotten home some time went by and we were on a date. I got shot by some old friends of Ryan's and we don't know why they were targeting me but when I was in the hospital they told me I was eight weeks pregnant. The bullet went straight through the babies head and sorry to say but they think that I might not be able to have children again, I know Ryan has told me that Mrs. Nguyen has been wanting grandchildren but I might not be able to give you that." I looked at them and Mrs. Nguyen seemed like she truly felt sorry for me but Mr. Nguyen seemed like he was happy about that and it started pissing me off.

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