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Ryan's POV:

Last night Rose shared her life with me, things she has never told anyone before she ended up telling me. I never knew Rose went through so much as a kid and even now she still goes through a lot and I feel so sorry for her but I know she doesn't want any pity because that's just not how she is, she hates when people pity her because then she feels like that's the only reason why people want to be around her. "Morning Rose" I waved to her as she walked out of her room and she looked exhausted and I felt like it was my fault since I kept asking questions after she told me a bunch of stuff about her.

"Morning Ryan... morning Milo" I was sitting on the couch with Milo and he jumped off of my lap and ran right up to Rose as soon as she sat down on the couch next to me.

"He really loves you" I smiled at her and she just started petting him and she gave me a small smile, she was still trying to wake up and to be honest I wish I could have woken up next to her this morning.

"Did you sleep well last night?" she looked up at me and just nodded and started rubbing her eyes while Milo got down and started running around the room trying to find his ball from earlier.

"I slept alright I guess... I had a bad dream but after I woke up I went right back to sleep and then it wasn't one of those terrible nightmares like I've been having. By the way thanks for listening to my issues I've been having... you're the only one except for Seungmin and his boys and my girls who know about what I've dealt with since I was a kid. Oliver and Seb know about bits and pieces but nothing like what I was telling you last night, it felt nice to get some of the things off of my chest. There is more to everything I have going on but I'm still not ready to tell anyone about that just yet... but when I'm ready you will be the first to know about what happened on why the girls and I split up." I watched as she curled into a ball and hugged her legs close to her and just starred at the movie I had been watching for the past half hour.

"I wanna do something with you today, how about we go out on an adventure today and then we can just come back here later tonight and do a movie fest?" I wanted to get her out of here. Rose needs a day where she can just escape the world around here and just enjoy herself instead of worry and stress over everything around her because her life use to be such a mess.

"Alright just let me get ready and then we can go wherever it is your taking me" she smiled getting out of her seat and going to her room closing the door behind her.

"Well Milo looks like me and your mother are going out on a date... I really hope she likes where I'm going to take her." I picked Milo up and held him in my arms petting him and tried to finish my movie as I waited for Rose get ready, after an hour Rose finally came out of her room and she looked amazing I felt like I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

"Alright let's get going sweetie" I stood up with a smile on my face and I put Milo's leash on and we walked out of her apartment and we went straight to the car. We drove to the NSB house and when we went inside Milo was trying to run away from from us because he seen all of the guys sitting there watching movies.

"Hey boys" Rose walked over to Justin and Kane and started talking to them while I went in the kitchen to talk to manager Ty.

"Hey Ty can I ask you all for a favor?" Tyler turned around and started putting together the snacks he obviously had been cooking for awhile.

"What's the favor Ryan?" Tyler stopped everything when he looked behind me and when I turned around I seen Rose still holding onto Milo on his leash. Sebastian followed right behind her alone with Darren and they joined us over at the counter.

"Well that is the favor... I wanted to see if you guys could take care of Milo for the day, I'm taking Rose out to a special place so she can get a break from everything around her. So when we get back around nine o'clock we will come get Milo and bring him back to the apartment so you guys don't have to watch him all day and night." Rose walks over to me and I wrap my arms around her waists and I just hug her from behind as soon as I seen Oliver coming over to us.

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