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Ryan's POV:

"YOU ARE WHAT?!" it's been three days since me and Rose had our little talk and we decided to tell the boys about our 'relationship' and they all looked so shocked.

"Yes me and Rose are together now and we figured we would come and break the news to you guys before we told Oliver. We know he's going to act out and do some crazy shit so we need you guys to help me keep Rose for getting hurt by him or any other dumb shit he might do" all the guys were excited but on their guard. It was nice to be 'dating' Rose, I felt like a part of me loves this but another part of me wants to go back to being just friends and not fake boyfriend and girlfriend because I don't want anything bad to happen to her because of my past might be brought up.

"Hey guys I'm home from the meeting... I am so exhausted from that crap I could just sleep for-" Oliver walked in and seen Rose and I sitting with everyone else in the house. He looked annoyed but when he looked down at our hands he came and sat down and kept his eyes locked on our hands and I could tell he was ready to flip out.

"So um... what's all of this?" Oliver seemed like he was cool with it all but I know him very well and he was steaming inside.

"Well... Ryan and I are dating now, we talked a few nights ago and I told him how I'm over you and I'm ready to move on. I told him that I was starting to like him after we broke up the night you pulled your shit and now I decided I want to be with him since he is always there for me and he cares about me." Rose grips my hand a little harder and I just let go of her hand and wrap my arm around her and make her scoot closer to me, I liked being this close to her why can't we stay like this forever? I need to pull away but I just want to get closer.

"Ok so... the day we got into that big fight you two were dating?!" Oliver stood up and started to show signs of how angry he was. The boys and I stood up and of course Rose stood up with us and I had her stay right with me so she wouldn't get hurt by Oliver.

"No we weren't dating at that time... we started dating after we got into that fight, I went to her house and we decided to tell each other the truth. So now we're dating and we are happy" Oliver's face was turning red and he balled his hands up and stepped closer to me and I knew it was time for Rose to get out of here.

"Rose go wait in the car... I'll be out there in a minute, I need to talk to the guys alone" I kept my eyes locked on Oliver and I felt Rose take her hand off of me and quickly left the house.

"Alright she's gone... say what's on your mind instead of trying to hold it in just because she was in here." I spoke as he stood there staring at the door as it closed all the way, he looked like he was done with everything here but none of us cared since he was the one who deserved it all because he did this to himself.

"You wanna know what's going on in my head? alright this is what's going on... my best friend betrayed me by dating the love of my life. I lost the one girl I loved and now she likes my best friend and the thought about the two of you makes me sick... you're dangerous and you're going to get her killed whether you wanna admit it or not. If you ever so much as fucking make her cry I will kill you myself! and if I find out your little friends from the past come up and start messing around with her then you'll be a dead man. Ryan I don't think you understand how dangerous you really are and the fact that you can live with yourself knowing that you are dangerous makes me sick, I should tell Rose who she's really dating! so I would watch yourself." Oliver took another step towards me and all of a sudden something snaps in me and I throw the first punch knocking Oliver to the floor.

"I'm not you Oliver! I would never do anything to fucking hurt her and I will do anything and everything I can just to protect her." I stood there feeling like my anger was increasing knowing he was willing to tell Rose about my past and how dangerous I use to be, I was scared inside about what she would think of me if she knew about me.

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