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Rose's POV:

It's been eight months since our wedding... it's also been eight months that I've been pregnant with Ryan's child. We found out the gender a couple months ago and we were happy to know we have twins one boy and one girl, Ryan has been doing everything he can for me and he's been busy with the boys now that NSB is trying to start a new life with one another. Oliver was their leader so now Seb took that spot as leader and they're keeping there NSB name but they're going to change up the things they use to do. My girls and I have been spending more time with one another but since I can't fly to Seoul or anything like that my family and the girls have been flying here along with Seungmin and the boys. They try to come at the end of every month to see me and check in on how I am, they stay for about a week and then go back to Korea but sometimes it's hard to see them leave.

"Baby Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix are here" Ryan says as he walks into the room with the three boys walking in behind him. Unfortunately I was put on bed rest so now I don't get to do much, the doctor said I was carrying a lot of weight from the babies and since I was so skinny my back was starting to give out on me.

"Hey Rose... hey babies" Seungmin walked over to the bed and rested his head on my stomach with my permission of course and he started talking to the twins.

"Do you know what your going to name them?" Felix asked as Hyunjin and him sat on the bed right next to me.

"We agreed on the names last night... since I'm from a Korean family we decided we would name our boy Dan-Bi and Ryan is Chinese we decided on for the girl we would call her Yingyue." Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix seemed to really like the names we choose for our babies and I even wanted to ask Seungmin something very important.

"Dan-Bi's name means long awaited rain and Yingyue means reflection of the moon which both names are beautiful and I think it was the best idea you guys ever had for names." Hyunjin spoke up and just smiled as Seungmin finished up talking to the twins, Felix took his turn on laying his head against my stomach and talking to them.

"Thanks guys but Seungmin there is something I would like to ask you" everyone paused and even Ryan stopped what he was doing and sat in the chair next to our bed.

"Is everything ok?!" Seungmin seemed worried and a little scared but all I could do was just smile and lock eyes with him.

"Ryan and I were wondering if you wanted to be the twins god father? we already asked Jennie to be their god mother." Seungmin's eyes widened and Ryan and I just smiled and were excited to know his answer while Felix and Hyunjin looked a little sad but excited for Seungmin, I knew all of my boys would wanna be the twins god father but they had the honor of being their uncles.

"I would love to be Yingyue and Dan-Bi's god father!" Seungmin got off the bed jumping around the room smiling ear to ear and I couldn't help but see jealousy written all over Hyunjin and Felix faces.

"Hyunjin... Felix there is something I have to ask you two as well... I'd like for you to be the twins uncles, I want all of my Stray kids to be the twins uncles but I haven't asked the others yet so don't mention anything." Hyunjin and Felix jealousy went away in an instant and they seemed over joyed and they were jumping around the room with Seungmin and cheering for themselves, Ryan and I just laughed and smiled while we watched them being weirdo's.

"Wait what about the other boys? aren't Ryan's NSB's going to be sad that none of them were asked to be uncles or a god father to the twins?" Seungmin asked as all three of the boys sat on the bed, Hyunjin took his turn talking to the twins while Ryan and I started explaining how everything is going to work between my boys and Ryan's boys.

"Rose and I decided that Seungmin and Jennie would make amazing god parents so we ended up agreeing on you and her. As for the uncle situation we wanted all of you Stray Kids and all of the North Star Boys to be Dan-Bi and Yingyue uncles and as for Lisa and Jisoo they will be asked to be the twins aunts." Ryan explained everything to the boys as Hyunjin finished up talking to the babies and I sat all the way up in the bed and we finished talking about what we were going to do for the baby shower that was tomorrow but I was nervous because I'm supposed to stay in bed.

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