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Rose's POV:

Today was the day, my first date with Ryan "Milo come here boy!" I was in my room getting ready for our date while Ryan left early this morning to go back to the NSB house to get ready. My phone started to ring and as soon as I seen Seungmin's name I answered as fast as I could, I missed them very much even though I just seen them for a whole week.

"Hey babygirl how was the flight home the other day?" I had Seungmin on facetime as I was finishing up my hair and he seemed like he was a little distracted with his surroundings.

"It was ok... I was a little emotional and didn't really speak that much because my head was going and I thought about stopping the plane but I have things here I needed to do. I miss you and the boys and my girls very much and it sucks that the week flew by like that... I wanted us to be able to do way more things than what we did but I still had an amazing time." Seungmin finally looked at his phone and seen I was all dressed up and had my hair done and putting on some makeup and he just looked curious.

"Where the hell are you going looking like that?!" I looked over at Seungmin and his jaw was practically to the floor and I heard all the guys yelling and running up to Seungmin.

"HOLY SHIT!!! you look hot" Minho said with his eyes wide and a shocked look on his face and all I could do is laugh at all of the boys reactions.

"Guys I'm just going on a first date with Ryan and that's it so don't get any ideas because the next time I see you I'll beat you" I gave them a serious glare and just laughed with them.

"Alright have a good time... by the way the reason why I called was because I wanted to let you know about us coming to Cali sooner than we thought. We finished our concert yesterday but the venue we were supposed to go to next week was shut down because there was an animal issue in the walls and they were eating everything in the building. Our manager set it up to where the venue we were supposed to go to next week we are going to combined the concerts and the Stays will just come to the venue we are supposed to perform at before the damaged one. So we are coming a few days early, we are supposed to stay at the hotel close by your apartment so we can come over for a little bit when we have free time" Seungmin started walking somewhere but it looked like he was back in the dorm and I knew it was really early in the morning for them.

"You guys can just stay with me instead of sleeping in the hotels by me I don't mind having you guys with me for a bit. I don't have a bunch of rooms for you guys to sleep in but I have a three bedroom apartment but one of the rooms I turned into my closet and the other room is my storage room for any extra decorations. I can clear that place out and three of you could sleep in there and then three of you can sleep in the the closet room and there is a lot of space in there so it should be ok and then two of you can just sleep in my room with me." Seungmin seemed really excited about it but I could see a part of him was a little hesitant to ask his manager about staying with me instead of them being in a hotel.

"Do you think Ryan would hate that? you should probably ask him first" Seungmin made a point but this was my apartment and Ryan wasn't like how Oliver was. I was confident that Ryan wouldn't mind what so ever, I finished up my makeup talking to Seungmin letting him know it was going to be ok with Ryan because he wasn't like that. We said our goodbyes and we hung up and I grabbed my bag and my phone and left the house with Milo and some stuff for him so the boys could watch him while we were out. I walked all the way to the NSB house and as soon as I walked in Milo bolted inside and ran right over to all the guys except there was no Ryan, I closed the door behind me and walked into the living room where they all were and their jaws dropped as soon as they looked my way including Oliver.

"DAMN!!!" everyone said loudly startling me a little and I just laughed feeling my heart race a little, the boys never seen me so cool like this. They seen my cute outfit side but for fates I always try to look my best because I've seen so many shows and movies and even my parents who always tried dressing their best on their date nights.

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